Project name: 2mz72chains

Status: done

submitted: 2019-02-07 03:09:18, status changed: 2019-02-07 03:13:45
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode No
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
267 K A -3.0947
268 H A -3.1144
269 Q A -2.1528
270 P A -1.4442
271 G A -1.4638
272 G A -1.6014
273 G A -2.1684
274 K A -2.0292
275 V A -0.2764
276 Q A -0.8064
277 I A 1.1564
278 I A 1.3831
279 N A -0.0833
280 K A -1.0749
281 K A -0.9566
282 L A 0.7078
283 D A -0.1249
284 L A 0.7349
285 S A -0.7721
286 N A -0.9408
287 V A 1.0067
288 Q A 0.1810
289 S A -0.1527
290 K A -0.5898
291 C A 0.3051
292 G A 0.0000
293 S A -0.4868
294 K A -2.0535
295 D A -2.4996
296 N A -1.5690
297 I A -0.2034
298 K A -2.0229
299 H A -0.6775
300 V A 0.0000
301 P A -0.1627
302 G A 0.4528
303 G A -0.2845
304 G A -0.9830
305 S A -0.1868
306 V A 1.5314
307 Q A 0.2572
308 I A 0.9625
309 V A 1.6602
310 Y A 1.2258
311 K A -1.0541
312 P A -0.4902
267 K B -2.7751
268 H B -2.9770
269 Q B -1.7877
270 P B -0.9105
271 G B -1.2491
272 G B 0.0000
273 G B -1.8849
274 K B -1.8206
275 V B 0.2054
276 Q B 0.0405
277 I B 2.1082
278 I B 1.7086
279 N B 0.8033
280 K B -0.4582
281 K B -0.2492
282 L B 1.1683
283 D B 0.2606
284 L B 0.9133
285 S B -0.5981
286 N B -1.0845
287 V B 0.8025
288 Q B -0.2437
289 S B -0.9450
290 K B -1.9419
291 C B -0.4135
292 G B -0.9201
293 S B -1.2598
294 K B -2.7791
295 D B -3.4009
296 N B -2.5109
297 I B -1.3473
298 K B -2.5453
299 H B -1.2324
300 V B 0.0000
301 P B -0.2202
302 G B 0.4451
303 G B -0.2460
304 G B -0.9674
305 S B -0.1928
306 V B 1.5333
307 Q B 0.2750
308 I B 0.9983
309 V B 1.6238
310 Y B 1.1789
311 K B -1.1181
312 P B -0.6530


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015