Project name: 6bae:E

Status: done

submitted: 2019-03-21 13:12:46, status changed: 2019-03-21 13:20:04
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode No
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
19 S E -0.9036
20 E E -2.2007
21 V E -1.5145
22 T E -1.6545
23 I E 0.0000
24 K E -2.2033
25 V E 0.0000
26 N E -1.3999
27 L E 0.0000
28 I E -0.9960
29 F E 0.0000
30 A E -1.5471
31 D E -2.2749
32 G E -1.8488
33 K E -1.5905
34 I E -0.3205
35 Q E -0.8916
36 T E -1.0407
37 A E -1.5159
38 E E -2.8653
39 F E 0.0000
40 K E -3.2433
41 G E -2.3906
42 T E -1.8941
43 F E -1.5826
44 E E -2.7542
45 E E -3.4430
46 A E 0.0000
47 T E -2.0601
48 A E -2.1754
49 E E -3.3223
50 A E 0.0000
51 Y E -0.5913
52 R E -1.6424
53 Y E -0.2286
54 A E 0.0000
55 A E -0.1539
56 L E 1.2200
57 L E 0.6220
58 A E -0.6495
59 K E -0.7034
60 V E 0.8356
61 N E -0.4838
62 G E -1.1096
63 E E -2.0753
64 Y E -1.0466
65 T E -1.1736
66 A E -1.3324
67 D E -2.5299
68 L E -1.7310
69 E E -3.1117
70 D E -3.0708
71 G E -1.8311
72 G E 0.0000
73 N E -1.4745
74 H E -2.3983
75 M E 0.0000
76 N E -1.9343
77 I E 0.0000
78 K E -2.1304
79 F E 0.0000
80 A E -1.3322
81 G E -1.3018


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015