Project name: 7a4589b495d6a91

Status: done

submitted: 2018-12-10 12:26:56, status changed: 2018-12-10 12:33:18
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode No
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
1 P A -1.3810
2 K A -2.3518
3 P A -1.9024
4 G A -1.4866
5 D A -1.0444
6 I A 0.5573
7 F A -0.4601
8 E A -1.8767
9 V A 0.0000
10 E A -2.3046
11 L A 0.0000
12 A A -1.1983
13 K A -1.9460
14 N A -2.7345
15 D A -3.1101
16 N A -3.0226
17 S A -2.0033
18 L A 0.0000
19 G A 0.0000
20 I A 0.0000
21 S A -0.2850
22 V A 0.0000
23 T A 0.0000
24 G A 0.0000
25 G A 0.0000
26 V A -0.1041
27 N A -1.0699
28 T A -1.2628
29 S A -1.2792
30 V A -1.4567
31 R A -2.1036
32 H A -1.7544
33 G A -1.0725
34 G A -1.1323
35 I A 0.0000
36 Y A -1.1446
37 V A 0.0000
38 K A -1.9539
39 A A -1.1672
40 V A -0.8151
41 I A 0.3300
42 P A -0.5852
43 Q A -1.6153
44 G A -1.5733
45 A A 0.0000
46 A A 0.0000
47 E A -2.1272
48 S A -1.7344
49 D A -1.9893
50 G A -1.9482
51 R A -2.4518
52 I A 0.0000
53 H A -2.8857
54 K A -3.0043
55 G A -2.2228
56 D A 0.0000
57 R A -0.9712
58 V A 0.0000
59 L A 0.0426
60 A A 0.0000
61 V A 0.0000
62 N A -0.8310
63 G A -0.0353
64 V A 1.0198
65 S A -0.0282
66 L A 0.0000
67 E A -1.5984
68 G A -1.2318
69 A A -1.3457
70 T A -1.2473
71 H A 0.0000
72 K A -2.7008
73 Q A -2.2133
74 A A 0.0000
75 V A -1.8776
76 E A -2.9529
77 T A -1.9367
78 L A 0.0000
79 R A -3.1855
80 N A -2.6134
81 T A -2.0614
82 G A -1.6230
83 Q A -1.5919
84 V A -0.6362
85 V A 0.0000
86 H A -1.6532
87 L A 0.0000
88 L A -0.3212
89 L A 0.0000
90 E A -0.9724
91 K A -2.1000
92 G A -2.0240
93 Q A -2.2232
94 S A -1.5126
3 E B -2.1101
4 Q B -1.8491
5 V B -0.3563
6 S B -0.4018
7 A B -0.0019
8 V B 0.0000


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015