Project name: 97ffe8518c615fa

Status: done

submitted: 2018-02-20 11:24:51, status changed: 2018-02-20 11:27:41
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode No
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
1 K A -2.9164
2 K A -2.8839
3 K A -2.2866
4 P A -0.8289
5 L A 0.2512
6 D A -0.5400
7 G A -0.6726
8 E A -0.8218
9 Y A 1.1399
10 F A 2.4245
11 T A 1.7040
12 L A 1.3084
13 Q A -0.6059
14 I A -1.4155
15 R A -2.7352
16 G A -3.1079
17 R A -3.6613
18 E A -3.9410
19 R A -3.4824
20 F A -2.7996
21 E A -3.4323
22 M A -1.9286
23 F A -1.7139
24 R A -3.3071
25 E A -3.1532
26 L A -0.9504
27 N A -2.2807
28 E A -3.1817
29 A A -1.5304
30 L A -0.9666
31 E A -2.6357
32 L A -1.0792
33 K A -2.7378
34 D A -3.2723
35 A A -2.1619
36 Q A -3.1819
37 A A -2.8680
38 G A -2.7383
39 K A -3.7445
40 E A -3.1564
41 P A -1.8381
42 G A -1.3000


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015