Project name: Murine LIF

Status: done

submitted: 2019-09-21 10:50:42, status changed: 2019-09-23 23:44:00
Distance of aggregation 5 Å
Dynamic mode Yes
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
9 N A -1.4055
10 A A -0.2103
11 T A -0.0954
12 C A 0.1309
13 A A 0.2254
14 I A 1.6698
15 R A -1.6217
16 H A -1.3522
17 P A -0.3943
18 C A 0.0240
19 H A -1.0329
20 G A -0.8219
21 N A -1.0070
22 L A 0.0643
23 M A 0.3916
24 N A -1.4085
25 Q A -0.5357
26 I A 0.0000
27 K A -2.0577
28 N A -1.5759
29 Q A -0.4265
30 L A 0.0000
31 A A -0.2284
32 Q A -1.1906
33 L A 0.0000
34 N A -0.4952
35 G A -0.5540
36 S A -0.1486
37 A A 0.0000
38 N A -0.8887
39 A A -0.1403
40 L A 0.0000
41 F A 0.5999
42 I A 2.1261
43 S A 0.3378
44 Y A 0.0000
45 Y A 0.8593
46 T A 0.0516
47 A A 0.0131
48 Q A 0.0000
49 G A -0.7900
50 E A -1.9442
51 P A -0.5731
52 F A 0.7721
53 P A -0.0777
54 N A -1.4891
55 N A -1.1391
56 V A -0.0508
57 E A -2.0408
58 K A -2.0366
59 L A 0.0000
60 C A -0.1540
61 A A -0.0137
62 P A -0.3095
63 N A -0.3255
64 M A 0.1421
65 T A -0.3746
66 D A -1.7657
67 F A -0.1825
68 P A -0.2582
69 S A -0.0934
70 F A 0.6546
71 H A -0.8589
72 G A -0.6341
73 N A -1.3967
74 G A -0.6990
75 T A -0.2269
76 E A -0.7505
77 K A -0.9000
78 T A -0.2696
79 K A -0.5796
80 L A 0.0000
81 V A 0.2284
82 E A -0.2333
83 L A 0.0000
84 Y A 0.0710
85 R A -0.8815
86 M A 0.0000
87 V A 0.0000
88 A A 0.0061
89 Y A 0.0000
90 L A 0.0000
91 S A -0.0200
92 A A -0.0014
93 S A 0.0000
94 L A 0.0000
95 T A -0.0866
96 N A -0.1817
97 I A 0.0000
98 T A 0.0000
99 R A -1.4368
100 D A -0.2161
101 Q A 0.0000
102 K A -1.5063
103 V A 1.5246
104 L A 0.5311
105 N A -1.2431
106 P A -0.5059
107 T A -0.2467
108 A A 0.3240
109 V A 1.7561
110 S A 0.1960
111 L A 0.0000
112 Q A 0.0357
113 V A 1.5576
114 K A -0.5883
115 L A 0.0000
116 N A -0.9722
117 A A -0.1397
118 T A 0.0000
119 I A 0.0000
120 D A -1.9165
121 V A 0.0874
122 M A 0.0000
123 R A -2.0582
124 G A -0.3713
125 L A 0.0000
126 L A 0.0000
127 S A -0.2123
128 N A -0.2706
129 V A 0.0000
130 L A 0.3970
131 C A 0.1581
132 R A -0.1584
133 L A 0.0000
134 C A 0.0350
135 N A -0.9777
136 K A -1.0977
137 Y A -0.0743
138 R A -1.5611
139 V A 1.4846
140 G A 0.0000
141 H A -0.4912
142 V A 0.0000
143 D A -0.9405
144 V A 0.0474
145 P A -0.2366
146 P A 0.1794
147 V A 1.7088
148 P A -0.2509
149 D A -1.8632
150 H A -0.5407
151 S A -0.5531
152 D A -2.1441
153 K A -2.3817
154 E A -2.1328
155 A A 0.0419
156 F A 1.9046
157 Q A -0.0734
158 R A -0.8256
159 K A -0.6575
160 K A -0.5259
161 L A 0.0000
162 G A 0.0000
163 C A 0.0000
164 Q A -0.1629
165 L A 0.0000
166 L A 0.0000
167 G A 0.0000
168 T A 0.0000
169 Y A 0.0000
170 K A -0.5388
171 Q A -0.4205
172 V A 0.0000
173 I A 0.0000
174 S A -0.0641
175 V A 0.0577
176 V A 0.0000
177 V A 0.1466
178 Q A -1.1053
179 A A -0.1074
180 F A 0.5671

Above is the comparison between the input structure and the most aggregation prone model (predicted in the flexibility simulations, download both models in the PDB file format , download table with rmsd values ). The picture presents the most aggregation prone model (in blue) superimposed on the input structure (in red). The plot shows rmsd profile (distances between residues of the superimposed structures).

Dynamic mode uses CABS-flex simulations of protein structure fluctuations. The structure fluctuations may have impact on the size and extent of aggregation "hot-spots" on the protein surface. The dynamic mode uses the following pipeline: (1) based on the input structure, CABS-flex predicts a set of different models reflecting protein dynamics in solution; (2) for each of these models A3D score is calculated; (3) finally, the most aggregation prone model (the model with the highest A3D score, -0.2872 in this case) is selected and presented in A3D results.


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015