Project name: e29532b90f9dab6 [mutate: YB59A, YB27I, VB14D, LB8A]

Status: done

submitted: 2018-08-15 15:31:22, status changed: 2018-08-15 15:41:42
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode No
Mutated residues YB59A, YB27I, VB14D, LB8A
Energy difference between WT (input) and mutated protein (by FoldX) 4.73912 kcal/mol

CAUTION: Your mutation/s can destabilize the protein structure

Changes in protein stability upon mutation are calculated using the FoldX forcefield. Computational prediction of protein stability is used with the intention of preventing the experimental characterization of proteins bearing mutations that significantly destabilize their structure. Mutations resulting in a predicted reduction in protein stability ≥ 1 kcal/mol are considered disruptive.

Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
1508 M A 0.0798
1509 K A -1.6663
1510 S A -1.6515
1511 N A -1.7378
1512 E A -3.5897
1513 H A -3.6822
1514 D A -4.2612
1515 D A -3.7836
1516 C A 0.0000
1517 Q A -2.2220
1518 V A 0.0000
1519 T A -0.6443
1520 N A 0.0000
1521 P A -0.5233
1522 S A -0.5468
1523 T A -0.6827
1524 G A -0.5119
1525 H A -0.0945
1526 L A 0.6367
1527 F A 0.0000
1528 D A -0.5153
1529 L A 0.0000
1530 S A -0.8415
1531 S A -0.3118
1532 L A 0.0083
1533 S A -0.7928
1534 G A -1.5483
1535 R A -2.9506
1536 A A -1.6808
1537 G A -1.0717
1538 F A 0.0733
1539 T A 0.2399
1540 A A 0.2728
1541 A A 0.2779
1542 Y A 0.4223
1543 S A 0.0000
1544 K A -1.9558
1545 S A -1.1254
1546 G A 0.0000
1547 V A 0.5578
1548 V A 0.0000
1549 Y A -0.5273
1550 M A 0.0000
1551 S A 0.0000
1552 I A 0.0000
1553 C A -1.8341
1554 G A -1.9696
1555 E A -3.1492
1556 N A 0.0000
1557 E A -3.2313
1558 N A -2.3660
1559 C A 0.0000
1560 P A -1.4698
1561 P A -1.4460
1562 G A -1.4666
1563 V A 0.0000
1564 G A 0.0000
1565 A A 0.0000
1566 C A 0.0000
1567 F A 0.0000
1568 G A -0.5960
1569 Q A -0.7501
1570 T A -1.0255
1571 R A -1.5316
1572 I A -0.6771
1573 S A -0.9681
1574 V A 0.0000
1575 G A 0.0000
1576 K A -2.3109
1577 A A -1.9075
1578 N A -2.3456
1579 K A -3.0942
1580 R A -3.8192
1581 L A 0.0000
1582 R A -2.2883
1583 Y A -0.7995
1584 V A 0.0271
1585 D A -1.5215
1586 Q A -1.0203
1587 V A -0.1792
1588 L A 0.0000
1589 Q A -0.7106
1590 L A 0.0000
1591 V A -1.0445
1592 Y A 0.0000
1593 K A -2.2536
1594 D A -2.1018
1595 G A -1.5019
1596 S A -0.9636
1597 P A -1.0974
1598 C A 0.0000
1599 P A -1.3409
1600 S A 0.0000
1601 K A -2.4331
1602 S A -1.7851
1603 G A -1.1400
1604 L A -0.8807
1605 S A -1.0609
1606 Y A 0.0000
1607 K A -1.2125
1608 S A 0.0000
1609 V A 0.4271
1610 I A 0.0000
1611 S A 0.5546
1612 F A 0.0000
1613 V A 0.0441
1614 C A -0.3193
1615 R A -1.3584
1616 P A -1.4494
1617 E A -2.2836
1618 A A -1.5554
1619 G A -1.5324
1620 P A -1.0114
1621 T A -1.1951
1622 N A -1.7555
1623 R A -2.0344
1624 P A 0.0000
1625 M A 0.6253
1626 L A 1.7206
1627 I A 2.5009
1628 S A 1.0043
1629 L A -0.1119
1630 D A -1.3602
1631 K A -2.3844
1632 Q A -2.3173
1633 T A -1.5231
1634 C A 0.0000
1635 T A 0.0000
1636 L A 0.0000
1637 F A 1.4961
1638 F A 0.0000
1639 S A 0.5823
1640 W A 0.0000
1641 H A -1.0265
1642 T A 0.0000
1643 P A -0.6666
1644 L A 0.3452
1645 A A 0.0000
1646 C A -0.1855
1647 E A 0.0000
1648 P A -1.2095
1649 E A -1.9444
1 A B 0.2754
2 Y B 0.1262
3 R B -1.7571
4 P B -1.3305
5 S B -1.2505
6 E B -2.3061
7 T B -1.1493
8 A B -0.5692 mutated: LB8A
9 C B -0.0583
10 G B -0.3380
11 G B -0.7192
12 E B -0.9580
13 L B 0.0000
14 D B -0.7034 mutated: VB14D
15 D B 0.0000
16 T B -0.1719
17 L B 0.0000
18 Q B -0.6055
19 F B -0.0173
20 V B 0.0780
21 C B 0.0000
22 G B -1.5766
23 D B -2.7759
24 R B -2.2890
25 G B -0.6743
26 F B 0.6700
27 I B 0.9691 mutated: YB27I
28 F B -0.0767
29 S B -0.8178
30 R B -1.8105
31 P B -1.6105
32 A B -1.6894
33 S B -1.4341
34 R B -1.5882
35 V B -0.0033
36 S B -1.3128
37 R B -2.4645
38 R B -3.2582
39 S B -2.6116
40 R B -2.7181
41 G B -1.6064
42 I B 0.0000
43 V B -1.0998
44 E B -2.3363
45 E B -2.3808
46 C B 0.0000
47 C B -0.6984
48 F B 0.0165
49 R B -1.9925
50 S B -1.8689
51 C B -1.5893
52 D B -2.1024
53 L B -1.3897
54 A B -0.8023
55 L B 0.0026
56 L B 0.0000
57 E B -0.2696
58 T B -0.1198
59 A B 0.2831 mutated: YB59A
60 C B 0.3143
61 A B -0.0185
62 T B -0.7237
63 P B -1.0530
64 A B -1.5232
65 K B -2.6691
66 S B -2.2208
67 E B -2.5207


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015