Project name: Kaitline Waddell

Status: done

Started: 2020-11-20 02:15:52
input PDB
Selected Chain(s) X
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
FoldX usage Yes
Dynamic mode Yes
Automated mutations No
Downloads Download all the data
Simulation log
[INFO]       Logger:   Verbosity set to: 2 - [INFO]                                                (00:00:01)
[WARNING]    runJob:   Working directory already exists (possibly overwriting previous results -ow 
                       to prevent this behavior)                                                   (00:00:01)
[INFO]       runJob:   Starting aggrescan3d job on: input.pdb with X chain(s) selected             (00:00:01)
[INFO]       runJob:   Creating pdb object from: input.pdb                                         (00:00:01)
[INFO]       FoldX:    Starting FoldX energy minimalization                                        (00:00:01)
[INFO]       CABS:     Running CABS flex simulation                                                (00:12:17)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_5.pdb                                         (02:00:57)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_4.pdb                                         (02:01:02)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_7.pdb                                         (02:01:07)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_10.pdb                                        (02:01:11)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_2.pdb                                         (02:01:16)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_0.pdb                                         (02:01:20)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_8.pdb                                         (02:01:25)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_9.pdb                                         (02:01:29)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_6.pdb                                         (02:01:34)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_3.pdb                                         (02:01:39)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_11.pdb                                        (02:01:44)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_1.pdb                                         (02:01:48)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on input.pdb                                           (02:01:53)
[WARNING]    CABS:     Pymol failed to launch (most likely not present on the system).Couldn't     
                       create a superimposed picture of CABS input and output                      (02:01:59)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on folded.pdb                                          (02:01:59)
[CRITICAL]   pyMol:    Pymol encountered an error: /bin/sh: pymol: command not found Movie         
                       creation failed.                                                            (02:02:00)
[INFO]       Main:     Simulation completed successfully.                                          (02:02:05)
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
119 G X -1.4198
120 K X -1.6327
121 M X -0.4263
122 E X -1.0239
123 N X -0.9501
124 P X 0.0000
125 S X 0.0000
126 T X 0.0000
127 V X 0.0000
128 Q X 0.0000
129 R X 0.1990
130 G X 0.4353
131 L X 0.9574
132 N X -0.8968
133 G X 0.0000
134 E X 0.0000
135 P X 0.0000
136 I X 0.0000
137 F X 0.0000
138 D X -0.4590
139 P X -0.0371
140 F X 0.6693
141 K X -1.2766
142 G X -1.2409
143 F X -0.5656
144 G X -0.4534
145 L X 0.0000
146 T X 0.0000
147 G X 0.0000
148 N X -0.8451
149 A X 0.0000
150 P X -0.5999
151 T X -0.9274
152 D X -1.5514
153 W X 0.0000
154 N X -2.2765
155 E X -2.1185
156 I X 0.0000
157 K X 0.0000
158 G X -1.0268
159 K X 0.0000
160 V X 0.7548
161 P X 0.5289
162 V X 0.7781
163 E X -0.4783
164 V X 0.7600
165 V X 1.1546
166 Q X -0.1364
167 S X 0.0000
168 P X -0.6385
169 H X -1.1149
170 S X 0.0000
171 P X -1.1523
172 N X -1.1269
173 L X 0.0000
174 Y X 0.5000
175 F X 0.0000
176 V X 0.0000
177 L X 1.1269
178 L X 0.0000
179 V X 0.3066
180 P X -0.7721
181 K X -1.0902
182 V X -0.5469
183 A X -0.0549
184 L X -0.3021
185 E X -1.1909
186 Y X -0.5292
187 H X -1.8152
188 N X -1.8672
189 L X -1.1611
190 N X -2.0906
191 N X -1.5602
192 Q X -1.2246
193 V X 0.1333
194 V X 0.0544
195 K X -0.8102
196 E X -1.8074
197 S X -0.6147
198 L X -0.3194
199 E X -0.1654
200 V X 0.0000
201 K X 0.0000
202 A X 0.0000
203 T X -0.7011
204 Q X -1.1346
205 S X -0.4029
206 S X 0.1770
207 F X 1.1113
208 N X 0.1332
209 P X -0.4053
210 T X -0.8136
211 Q X -1.5402
212 R X -1.1884
213 L X -0.0146
214 Q X -1.4409
215 K X -1.9405
216 D X -1.9232
217 S X -1.5190
218 P X -1.0150
219 V X -0.5571
220 K X -1.1777
221 D X -1.2233
222 S X -0.6487
223 S X -1.0006
224 K X 0.0000
225 Q X -1.8096
226 G X -1.3575
227 E X -2.1400
228 K X 0.0000
229 L X 0.0684
230 S X -0.6996
231 E X -1.4549
232 T X -1.1929
233 T X -1.4723
234 A X -1.1351
235 S X -1.1621
236 S X -0.3300
237 M X 0.5151
238 S X 0.2986
239 S X 0.1224
240 G X 0.5159
241 M X 1.0678
242 A X 0.6159
243 T X 0.0516
244 S X -0.4445
245 T X -1.1509
246 R X -2.3562
247 A X -1.8211
248 K X -2.1815
249 A X -1.0867
250 L X -0.0071
251 K X -0.9657
252 V X -0.0734
253 E X -0.8549
254 V X -0.0127
255 E X -1.3360
256 R X -2.1807
257 G X -1.1686
258 S X -1.2029
259 Q X -1.3242
260 S X -0.4791
261 D X -1.1952
262 S X 0.1253
263 L X 1.1335
264 L X 0.6215
265 K X -0.8055
266 N X 0.0000
267 D X -1.1164
268 F X 0.0000
269 A X -0.5698
270 K X -1.1641
271 K X -1.9222
272 P X -0.9144
273 L X -0.2306
274 K X -1.4028
275 H X -2.1975
276 K X -2.6077
277 N X 0.0000
278 S X -1.2961
279 S X -0.5386
280 G X -1.1386
281 E X -0.8006
282 V X 1.0832
283 K X 0.3189
284 L X 0.3030
285 E X -0.9984
286 A X -1.0105
287 E X -1.8150
288 K X -2.1994
289 E X 0.0000
290 F X -0.2397
291 T X 0.0000
292 E X -2.0162
293 A X 0.0000
294 W X 0.1891
295 K X -0.5692
296 P X -0.3245
297 L X 0.3111
298 L X 0.3905
299 T X 0.1953
300 T X 0.0000
301 D X 0.0000
302 Q X -1.3977
303 I X -0.9700
304 A X -1.2297
305 R X -2.6018
306 E X -2.7931
307 K X -2.7030
308 G X -1.5116
309 M X -0.3115
310 G X -0.4080
311 A X -0.0022
312 T X -0.2770
313 V X 0.5101
314 V X 0.0000
315 S X 0.0000
316 F X 0.0000
317 Y X -0.6607
318 D X -1.4258
319 D X -1.5423
320 L X 0.0000
321 V X 0.0000
322 S X -1.3826
323 L X -0.6698
324 A X 0.0000
325 Q X -1.1884
326 L X 0.0000
327 D X -2.3808
328 S X -1.4412
329 S X 0.0000
330 Y X 0.0000
331 L X 0.0000
332 I X 0.0000
333 S X 0.0000
334 D X -1.5622
335 Q X -0.5552
336 T X -0.0089
337 I X 0.8086
338 H X -0.7259
339 N X -1.4184
340 T X -0.9383
341 N X -0.5603
342 L X 0.0000
343 F X -0.0589
344 V X 0.0000
345 L X -0.4507
346 F X 0.0000
347 K X 0.0000
348 S X 0.0000
349 T X -0.8538
350 Q X -1.3542
351 V X -1.3889
352 K X -2.0701
353 V X 0.0000
354 K X -2.4171
355 Y X 0.0000
356 D X -2.2854
357 S X -1.2358
358 S X -1.1888
359 S X -0.8142
360 G X 0.0000
361 S X -0.9157
362 N X -0.8893
363 T X -0.6244
364 N X -1.0794
365 T X -1.1294
366 I X 0.0000
367 S X -1.5117
368 F X -1.1753
369 D X -1.8254
370 T X -1.1366
371 N X -1.7427
372 N X -1.5195
373 K X 0.0000
374 P X 0.0000
375 S X 0.1531
376 Y X 0.0000
377 I X 0.0000
378 V X 0.0000
379 E X -0.5219
380 F X 0.0000
381 T X -0.3298
382 N X 0.0000
383 A X 0.0000
384 T X -0.4576
385 N X -0.5534
386 I X 1.2156
387 G X 0.4909
388 I X 0.7374
389 K X -1.0268
390 W X -0.5829
391 T X 0.1324
392 M X 0.0837
393 V X -0.3324
394 K X -1.8854
395 K X -1.2797
396 Y X 0.5173
397 Q X 0.4067
398 L X 1.0664
399 D X 0.0091
400 V X 0.1099
401 P X -0.1477
402 N X -0.8963
403 V X -0.2195
404 S X -0.6356
405 T X -0.6953
406 N X -0.7359
407 L X 0.3388
408 K X -0.9022
409 A X 0.0554
410 V X 1.5189
411 L X 0.7481
412 D X 0.0790
413 S X 0.3400
414 L X 0.9105
415 L X 1.2260
416 F X 1.1286
417 E X -0.0358
418 Q X -0.3091
419 P X -0.2213
420 L X 0.0000
421 T X -0.6526
422 K X -0.6756
423 Y X 0.5243
424 T X 0.1777
425 L X 0.5579
426 N X 0.0000
427 S X 0.1331
428 S X -0.3874
429 L X 0.2035
430 A X -0.7075
431 K X -1.8671
432 Q X -1.8872
433 K X -1.5327
434 G X -1.2412
435 K X -1.1436
436 T X 0.0000
437 Q X -1.2139
438 R X 0.0000
439 E X -0.5509
440 V X 0.6829
441 H X -0.1080
442 L X 0.7252
443 G X -0.1053
444 S X -0.9194
445 G X -1.2170
446 Q X -1.7301
447 A X -1.1304
448 N X -1.1261
449 Q X 0.0000
450 W X -1.2163
451 R X -2.6346
452 S X -2.0948
453 M X -2.3454
454 R X -3.1411
455 N X -3.1785
456 Q X -2.8079
457 H X -3.1317
458 D X -2.9872
459 L X -1.0661
460 N X -1.9562
461 N X -2.9195
462 N X -2.5854
463 P X -1.6771
464 S X -1.0742
465 P X -0.7556
466 N X -1.0363
467 A X -0.9529
468 S X -0.5875
469 T X -0.7506
470 G X -0.4550
471 F X -0.0471
472 K X -1.6855
473 L X -0.9975
474 D X -2.4331
475 K X -2.0820
476 G X 0.0000
477 N X 0.0000
478 A X 0.0000
479 Y X 0.0000
480 R X 0.0000
481 K X 0.0000
482 L X 0.0000
483 S X 0.0000
484 E X -1.4013
485 S X 0.0000
486 W X 0.0000
487 P X 0.0000
488 I X 0.0000
489 Y X 0.0000
490 Q X -0.2841
491 P X -0.3193
492 I X -0.7540
493 D X -1.9893
494 G X -1.3701
495 T X 0.0000
496 K X -2.5108
497 Q X -1.4286
498 G X -1.3493
499 K X 0.0000
500 G X -0.7336
501 K X -1.0155
502 D X 0.0000
503 S X 0.0000
504 N X -1.6847
505 Q X -1.6058
506 W X 0.0000
507 Q X -1.9177
508 T X -1.2888
509 E X -1.3448
510 Q X -1.5987
511 S X -1.2504
512 T X -1.0174
513 A X 0.0000
514 A X -1.2202
515 G X -1.2131
516 D X -1.5318
517 A X -0.9137
518 P X 0.0000
519 S X -0.8213
520 V X 0.0000
521 T X -0.8757
522 A X -0.7670
523 G X -0.5024
524 G X -0.3746
525 G X -0.1577
526 A X 0.3341
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CABS-flex predictions of flexibility of input structure

In dynamic mode, A3D analysis is performed on the set of models reflecting fluctuations of the input structure (predicted by CABS-flex method, models are numbered from 0 to 11) and the input model. Their A3D scores are provided below in the table.
The right panel presents comparison of the most aggregation prone model (with the highest A3D score, -0.6224 in this case) with the input model (the most aggregation prone model in blue, input in red) and RMSF plot which shows the extent of residue fluctuations in Angstroms (predicted by CABS-flex).

Average A3D Score
model_5 -0.6224 View CSV PDB
model_11 -0.7105 View CSV PDB
model_8 -0.7682 View CSV PDB
model_0 -0.7981 View CSV PDB
model_9 -0.8372 View CSV PDB
model_10 -0.8405 View CSV PDB
model_3 -0.8415 View CSV PDB
model_1 -0.8485 View CSV PDB
model_6 -0.8924 View CSV PDB
model_7 -0.9123 View CSV PDB
model_2 -0.9151 View CSV PDB
input -0.9506 View CSV PDB
model_4 -0.9534 View CSV PDB

Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2018