Project name: Sushotub1 5 [mutate: IA67A, FA133A, VS173A] [mutate: SD173A]

Status: done

Started: 2020-11-18 12:23:23
input PDB
Selected Chain(s) A
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
FoldX usage Yes
Dynamic mode No
Automated mutations No
Mutated residues SD173A
Energy difference between WT (input) and mutated protein (by FoldX) 0.565105 kcal/mol
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Simulation log
[INFO]       Logger:   Verbosity set to: 2 - [INFO]                                                (00:00:01)
[WARNING]    runJob:   Working directory already exists (possibly overwriting previous results -ow 
                       to prevent this behavior)                                                   (00:00:01)
[INFO]       runJob:   Starting aggrescan3d job on: input.pdb with A chain(s) selected             (00:00:01)
[INFO]       runJob:   Creating pdb object from: input.pdb                                         (00:00:01)
[INFO]       FoldX:    Starting FoldX energy minimalization                                        (00:00:01)
[INFO]       FoldX:    Building mutant model                                                       (00:02:32)
[INFO]       FoldX:    Starting FoldX energy minimalization                                        (00:02:37)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on folded.pdb                                          (00:05:10)
[CRITICAL]   pyMol:    Pymol encountered an error: /bin/sh: pymol: command not found Movie         
                       creation failed.                                                            (00:05:10)
[INFO]       Main:     Simulation completed successfully.                                          (00:05:12)
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
45 N A -1.5672
46 P A -1.5816
47 L A 0.0000
48 V A 0.0000
49 S A 0.0000
50 E A -2.7911
51 R A -2.9272
52 L A -1.9089
53 E A -2.1412
54 L A 0.0000
55 S A -1.0421
56 V A -0.7277
57 L A 0.0000
58 Y A -0.9672
59 K A -1.8749
60 E A -1.3680
61 Y A -1.5047
62 A A -2.0910
63 E A -3.2904
64 D A -3.3400
65 D A -2.6412
66 N A -2.6449
67 A A -1.8740
68 Y A -1.6658
69 Q A -1.8812
70 Q A -1.7069
71 K A 0.0000
72 I A 0.0000
73 K A -2.7436
74 D A -2.4517
75 L A 0.0000
76 H A -2.9922
77 K A -3.4622
78 K A -3.3328
79 Y A 0.0000
80 S A -1.7902
81 Y A -1.4223
82 I A 0.0000
83 R A 0.0000
84 K A -1.3180
85 T A 0.0000
86 R A -1.2189
87 P A -1.0822
88 D A -0.7582
89 G A -0.7063
90 N A 0.0000
91 C A 0.0000
92 F A 0.0000
93 Y A 0.0000
94 R A 0.0000
95 A A 0.0000
96 F A 0.0000
97 G A 0.0000
98 F A 0.0000
99 S A 0.0000
100 H A 0.0000
101 L A 0.0000
102 E A -0.5726
103 A A -0.8836
104 L A 0.0000
105 L A -1.6854
106 D A -2.3306
107 D A -2.1411
108 S A -2.5035
109 K A -2.8550
110 E A -2.1193
111 L A 0.0000
112 Q A -2.6350
113 R A -1.7864
114 F A 0.0000
115 K A -1.9078
116 A A -0.9805
117 V A -0.6920
118 S A 0.0000
119 A A -1.3821
120 K A -2.3214
121 S A 0.0000
122 K A -2.2619
123 E A -2.9564
124 D A -1.7582
125 L A 0.0000
126 V A -1.2523
127 S A -1.0774
128 Q A -1.0507
129 G A -0.8513
130 F A -0.6642
131 T A -1.0008
132 E A -2.4851
133 A A -1.4087
134 T A -1.2199
135 I A 0.0000
136 E A -3.2372
137 D A -2.9212
138 F A -1.5900
139 H A 0.0000
140 N A -2.6077
141 T A -1.8792
142 F A 0.0000
143 M A -1.6260
144 D A -2.8096
145 L A 0.0000
146 I A 0.0000
147 E A -3.5036
148 Q A -2.9970
149 V A 0.0000
150 E A -4.0681
151 K A -3.5777
152 Q A -3.2006
153 T A -2.0106
154 S A -0.8889
155 V A -0.2489
156 A A -0.7226
157 D A -1.7333
158 L A 0.0000
159 L A -0.8102
160 A A -0.8509
161 S A -0.9994
162 F A 0.0000
163 N A -1.5102
164 D A -1.8451
165 Q A -1.5508
166 S A -0.9315
167 T A -0.9149
168 S A 0.0000
169 D A -0.6285
170 Y A -0.3813
171 L A 0.0000
172 V A 0.0000
173 D A -0.1627 mutated: SD173A
174 Y A 0.0000
175 L A 0.0000
176 R A 0.0000
177 L A 0.0000
178 L A 0.0000
179 T A 0.0000
180 S A 0.0000
181 G A 0.0000
182 Y A -0.8808
183 L A 0.0000
184 Q A -2.1177
185 R A -2.4982
186 E A -1.8544
187 S A -2.1929
188 K A -2.2489
189 F A -0.6916
190 F A 0.0000
191 E A -2.5805
192 H A -1.7797
193 F A -0.7815
194 I A -1.5559
195 E A -2.4737
196 G A -1.6745
197 G A -1.7257
198 R A -2.2289
199 T A -2.1128
200 V A 0.0000
201 K A -3.2779
202 E A -2.9783
203 F A 0.0000
204 C A 0.0000
205 Q A -2.7129
206 Q A -2.4482
207 E A -2.1330
208 V A 0.0000
209 E A -1.1609
210 P A -0.8885
211 M A -0.1927
212 C A -0.1299
213 K A -1.4962
214 E A -1.4002
215 S A 0.0000
216 D A -1.4879
217 H A -0.9356
218 I A 0.0000
219 H A 0.0000
220 I A 0.0000
221 I A -0.2694
222 A A 0.0000
223 L A 0.0000
224 A A 0.0000
225 Q A -0.8277
226 A A -0.3021
227 L A 0.0000
228 S A -0.5518
229 V A 0.0000
230 S A -1.1892
231 I A 0.0000
232 Q A -0.7482
233 V A 0.0000
234 E A 0.0000
235 Y A -0.9104
236 M A 0.0000
237 D A -2.2155
239 G A -2.1657
240 E A -2.5372
241 G A -1.5117
242 G A -1.5763
243 T A -1.6185
244 T A -1.4847
245 N A -1.7864
246 P A -0.7212
247 H A -0.9202
248 I A -0.7187
249 F A 0.0000
250 P A -1.3840
251 E A -2.2321
252 G A -1.6976
253 S A -1.7949
254 E A -2.4407
255 P A -1.7032
256 K A -1.6955
257 V A 0.0000
258 Y A -0.4177
259 L A 0.0000
260 L A 0.0000
261 Y A -0.3716
262 R A 0.0000
263 P A -0.9163
264 G A -0.8315
265 H A -0.7583
266 Y A 0.0000
267 D A 0.0000
268 I A 0.0000
269 L A 0.0000
270 Y A -1.2002
271 K A -2.2033
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Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2018