Project name: CT99 WT

Status: done

Started: 2021-10-15 04:16:04
input PDB
Selected Chain(s) A
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
FoldX usage Yes
Dynamic mode Yes
Automated mutations No
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Simulation log
[INFO]       Logger:   Verbosity set to: 2 - [INFO]                                                (00:00:00)
[WARNING]    runJob:   Working directory already exists (possibly overwriting previous results -ow 
                       to prevent this behavior)                                                   (00:00:00)
[INFO]       runJob:   Starting aggrescan3d job on: input.pdb with A chain(s) selected             (00:00:00)
[INFO]       runJob:   Creating pdb object from: input.pdb                                         (00:00:00)
[INFO]       FoldX:    Starting FoldX energy minimalization                                        (00:00:01)
[INFO]       CABS:     Running CABS flex simulation                                                (00:04:04)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_9.pdb                                         (01:24:14)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_11.pdb                                        (01:24:17)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_7.pdb                                         (01:24:20)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_6.pdb                                         (01:24:22)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_0.pdb                                         (01:24:25)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_1.pdb                                         (01:24:28)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_10.pdb                                        (01:24:31)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_4.pdb                                         (01:24:33)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_3.pdb                                         (01:24:36)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_8.pdb                                         (01:24:38)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_2.pdb                                         (01:24:41)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on model_5.pdb                                         (01:24:44)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on input.pdb                                           (01:24:46)
[WARNING]    CABS:     Pymol failed to launch (most likely not present on the system).Couldn't     
                       create a superimposed picture of CABS input and output                      (01:24:51)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on folded.pdb                                          (01:24:51)
[CRITICAL]   pyMol:    Pymol encountered an error: /bin/sh: pymol: command not found Movie         
                       creation failed.                                                            (01:24:51)
[INFO]       Main:     Simulation completed successfully.                                          (01:24:54)
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
1 D A -1.5989
2 I A 0.0000
3 Q A -2.1377
4 M A -1.5668
5 T A -1.1609
6 Q A -0.8626
7 S A -0.6617
8 P A -0.4729
9 S A -0.5094
10 S A -0.6540
11 L A -0.5914
12 S A -0.6854
13 A A -0.3610
14 S A 0.0715
15 V A 0.9461
16 G A -0.0912
17 D A 0.0000
18 R A -1.7727
19 V A 0.0000
20 T A -0.4918
21 I A 0.0000
22 T A -0.7967
23 C A 0.0000
24 K A -2.3283
25 S A -1.7099
26 S A -1.7308
27 Q A -1.8767
28 S A -0.8125
29 L A 0.0000
30 L A 1.0112
31 N A 0.0000
32 S A -1.3332
33 R A -2.6409
34 D A -2.9317
35 G A -1.8998
36 K A -1.3205
37 N A 0.0000
38 Y A 0.0000
39 L A 0.0000
40 A A 0.0000
41 W A 0.0000
42 Y A 0.0000
43 Q A 0.0000
44 Q A 0.0000
45 K A 0.0000
46 P A -1.1300
47 G A -1.0253
48 K A 0.0000
49 A A 0.0000
50 P A 0.0000
51 K A -0.5161
52 L A 0.0000
53 L A 0.0000
54 I A 0.0000
55 Y A 0.0167
56 D A 0.0000
57 A A -0.4966
58 S A -0.3471
59 N A -0.2634
60 L A 0.1016
61 E A -0.8641
62 T A -0.7988
63 G A -0.8389
64 V A 0.0000
65 P A 0.0000
66 S A -1.4136
67 R A -1.9604
68 F A 0.0000
69 S A -0.6492
70 G A 0.0000
71 S A -0.7348
72 G A -1.2203
73 S A -0.9344
74 G A -0.6956
75 T A -1.3127
76 D A -2.2168
77 F A 0.0000
78 T A -0.8169
79 F A 0.0000
80 T A -0.6978
81 I A 0.0000
82 S A -1.5298
83 S A -1.2361
84 L A 0.0000
85 Q A -1.7403
86 P A 0.0000
87 E A -1.3665
88 D A 0.0000
89 I A 0.0000
90 A A 0.0000
91 T A 0.0000
92 Y A 0.0000
93 F A 0.0000
94 C A 0.0000
95 Q A 0.0000
96 Q A 0.0000
97 Y A 0.0000
98 W A 1.4286
99 Y A 1.7748
100 W A 1.2673
101 M A 0.7945
102 Y A 0.0000
103 T A 0.0000
104 F A 0.0000
105 G A 0.0000
106 G A -1.0803
107 G A -1.4889
108 T A 0.0000
109 K A -1.2514
110 V A 0.0000
111 E A -1.1369
112 I A 0.0000
113 K A -0.6338
114 R A -0.0791
115 T A 0.3503
116 V A 1.1261
117 A A 0.0999
118 A A 0.3356
119 P A -0.0347
120 S A 0.0000
121 V A 0.0000
122 F A 0.0000
123 I A 0.0000
124 F A 0.0000
125 P A 0.0000
126 P A 0.0000
127 S A 0.0000
128 D A 0.0000
129 E A -1.9690
130 Q A 0.0000
131 L A -0.9443
132 K A -1.9784
133 S A -1.2542
134 G A -0.8780
135 T A -0.5474
136 A A 0.0000
137 S A 0.0000
138 V A 0.0000
139 V A 0.0000
140 C A 0.0000
141 L A 0.0000
142 L A 0.0000
143 N A 0.0000
144 N A -0.3181
145 F A 0.0000
146 Y A -0.8836
147 P A -1.2270
148 R A -2.6498
149 E A -3.3505
150 A A -2.3533
151 K A -2.4006
152 V A -1.4891
153 Q A -0.8340
154 W A -0.6986
155 K A -0.7274
156 V A 0.0000
157 D A -2.4098
158 N A -1.9822
159 A A -0.6389
160 L A 0.5549
161 Q A -0.6785
162 S A 0.0000
163 G A -0.8216
164 N A -1.3535
165 S A -1.1823
166 Q A -1.4666
167 E A -1.6070
168 S A 0.0000
169 V A 0.4043
170 T A 0.0000
171 E A -1.5160
172 Q A 0.0000
173 D A 0.0000
174 S A -1.2116
175 K A -1.8408
176 D A 0.0000
177 S A 0.0000
178 T A 0.0000
179 Y A -0.8970
180 S A 0.0000
181 L A -0.1049
182 S A 0.0000
183 S A 0.0000
184 T A 0.0000
185 L A 0.0000
186 T A -0.6803
187 L A -0.5844
188 S A -0.9972
189 K A -1.2836
190 A A -1.5294
191 D A -2.8112
192 Y A 0.0000
193 E A -2.3699
194 K A -3.2814
195 H A -3.1295
196 K A -2.9411
197 V A -1.7246
198 Y A 0.0000
199 A A -0.6888
200 C A 0.0000
201 E A -1.1852
202 V A 0.0000
203 T A -1.5223
204 H A 0.0000
205 Q A -2.5522
206 G A -1.4553
207 L A -0.8345
208 S A -0.5858
209 S A -0.4658
210 P A -0.7267
211 V A -0.2610
212 T A -0.4341
213 K A 0.0000
214 S A -0.7594
215 F A 0.0000
216 N A -1.7052
217 R A -1.3699
218 G A 0.0000
219 E A 0.0000
220 C A 0.0000
421 E A 0.0000
422 V A 0.0000
423 Q A 0.0000
424 L A 0.0000
425 V A 0.0000
426 E A 0.0000
427 S A 0.0000
428 G A 0.0000
429 G A 0.0000
430 G A 0.0000
431 L A -0.2009
432 V A 0.0000
433 Q A -0.9558
434 P A -0.6827
435 G A -0.8563
436 G A -0.8499
437 S A -0.9123
438 L A 0.0000
439 R A -1.4027
440 L A 0.0000
441 S A 0.0000
442 C A 0.0000
443 A A 0.0000
444 A A 0.0000
445 S A 0.0000
446 G A 0.0178
447 F A 1.0536
448 T A -0.0720
449 F A 0.0000
450 S A -1.3672
451 D A -1.6452
452 F A 0.0000
453 S A 0.0000
454 M A 0.0000
455 S A 0.0000
456 W A 0.0000
457 V A 0.0000
458 R A 0.0000
459 Q A 0.0000
460 A A -0.9513
461 P A -1.0099
462 G A -1.3810
463 K A -2.3147
464 G A -1.5214
465 L A 0.0000
466 E A -1.1077
467 W A 0.0000
468 V A 0.0000
469 S A 0.0000
470 Y A 0.5982
471 I A 0.0000
472 S A -0.6689
473 R A -1.2664
474 T A -0.6746
475 S A -0.6659
476 H A -0.7565
477 T A -0.3262
478 T A 0.3821
479 Y A 1.0835
480 Y A 1.2013
481 A A 0.0000
482 D A -0.4734
483 S A -0.0293
484 V A 1.1227
485 K A -0.1151
486 G A -0.7996
487 R A -1.5977
488 F A -0.4341
489 T A -0.1154
490 I A 0.0545
491 S A -0.5978
492 R A -1.1836
493 D A -1.5228
494 N A -1.7713
495 S A -1.2614
496 K A -1.4143
497 N A -1.0409
498 T A 0.0000
499 L A 0.0000
500 Y A -0.3365
501 L A 0.0000
502 Q A -0.8945
503 M A 0.0000
504 N A -1.0885
505 S A -0.5700
506 L A 0.4227
507 R A -0.8776
508 A A -1.1018
509 E A -2.1076
510 D A -1.4337
511 T A -0.8495
512 A A 0.0000
513 V A 0.0000
514 Y A 0.0000
515 Y A 0.0000
516 C A 0.0000
517 A A 0.0000
518 R A 0.0000
519 G A 0.0000
520 W A 0.3977
521 Y A 0.0000
522 W A 0.3313
523 M A 0.0000
524 D A -0.4530
525 L A 0.0000
526 W A 0.0000
527 G A 0.0000
528 Q A -0.2012
529 G A -0.2572
530 T A 0.0000
531 L A -0.0811
532 V A 0.0000
533 T A -0.4051
534 V A -0.2535
535 S A -0.3807
536 S A -0.2351
537 A A 0.0563
538 S A -0.2295
539 T A -0.5513
540 K A -1.6042
541 G A -0.9607
542 P A -0.7078
543 S A -0.5202
544 V A 0.0000
545 F A 0.0000
546 P A 0.0000
547 L A 0.0000
548 A A 0.0000
549 P A 0.0000
550 S A 0.0000
551 S A -1.4945
552 K A -1.8994
553 S A 0.0000
554 T A 0.0000
555 S A -0.9336
556 G A -0.9089
557 G A -0.9121
558 T A -0.6997
559 A A 0.0000
560 A A 0.0000
561 L A 0.0000
562 G A 0.0000
563 C A 0.0000
564 L A 0.0000
565 V A 0.0000
566 K A -0.0251
567 D A -0.4324
568 Y A 0.0000
569 F A 0.2829
570 P A 0.0000
571 E A -0.6278
572 P A -0.2972
573 V A 0.0000
574 T A 0.0000
575 V A 0.0000
576 S A 0.0000
577 W A 0.0000
578 N A 0.4007
579 S A 0.0000
580 G A 0.0000
581 A A 0.0000
582 L A 0.6557
583 T A 0.0378
584 S A -0.0638
585 G A -0.1512
586 V A 0.0000
587 H A 0.0000
588 T A 0.0000
589 F A 0.0000
590 P A 0.0748
591 A A 0.1731
592 V A 0.0000
593 L A 0.9584
594 Q A -0.4706
595 S A -0.4582
596 S A -0.3028
597 G A 0.1887
598 L A 1.0469
599 Y A 0.8935
600 S A 0.0000
601 L A 0.0000
602 S A 0.0000
603 S A 0.0000
604 V A 0.0000
605 V A 0.0000
606 T A 0.0000
607 V A -0.2259
608 P A -0.5571
609 S A -0.7968
610 S A -0.5176
611 S A -0.5139
612 L A 0.0000
613 G A -0.8970
614 T A -1.0059
615 Q A -0.9864
616 T A -0.8428
617 Y A -0.1556
618 I A -0.5251
619 C A 0.0000
620 N A 0.0000
621 V A 0.0000
622 N A 0.0000
623 H A 0.0000
624 K A 0.0000
625 P A -0.6022
626 S A -0.7337
627 N A 0.0000
628 T A -0.5640
629 K A -0.7632
630 V A 0.0000
631 D A -1.1735
632 K A -1.9451
633 K A -2.3152
634 V A 0.0000
635 E A -1.7644
636 P A -1.2010
637 K A -0.8269
638 S A -1.1159
639 C A 0.0000
640 D A -1.6905
641 K A -2.3840
642 T A -1.6234
643 H A -1.3997
644 T A -0.5970
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CABS-flex predictions of flexibility of input structure

In dynamic mode, A3D analysis is performed on the set of models reflecting fluctuations of the input structure (predicted by CABS-flex method, models are numbered from 0 to 11) and the input model. Their A3D scores are provided below in the table.
The right panel presents comparison of the most aggregation prone model (with the highest A3D score, -0.467 in this case) with the input model (the most aggregation prone model in blue, input in red) and RMSF plot which shows the extent of residue fluctuations in Angstroms (predicted by CABS-flex).

Average A3D Score
model_0 -0.467 View CSV PDB
model_3 -0.4875 View CSV PDB
model_6 -0.4992 View CSV PDB
model_5 -0.5155 View CSV PDB
model_1 -0.5297 View CSV PDB
model_2 -0.5344 View CSV PDB
model_8 -0.5365 View CSV PDB
model_7 -0.5422 View CSV PDB
model_4 -0.5472 View CSV PDB
model_11 -0.5508 View CSV PDB
model_10 -0.5574 View CSV PDB
model_9 -0.5786 View CSV PDB
input -0.7456 View CSV PDB

Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2018