Project name: 9b9fb5c478143a4

Status: done

submitted: 2024-07-26 03:15:22, status changed: 2024-07-26 04:47:09

Project settings
Peptide sequence RGFFRGG
Simulation mc cycles50
Peptide secondary structure psipred CCCCCCC
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Zoom/rotate predicted model of the complex using mouse. Click the "View" button on the right panel to load the appropriate model. View in JSmol (pure html5/js) if you got rendering problems.
Models are ranked and numbered according to their occurrence in docking trajectory (1 = most probable result).
Representative conformations
model_1 Download
model_2 Download
model_3 Download
model_4 Download
model_5 Download
model_6 Download
model_7 Download
model_8 Download
model_9 Download
model_10 Download

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Click the "View" button to load the contact map of appropriate model.
Representative conformations
model_1 View
model_2 View
model_3 View
model_4 View
model_5 View
model_6 View
model_7 View
model_8 View
model_9 View
model_10 View

Receptor residuePeptide residue
Receptor residuePeptide residue
Receptor residuePeptide residue
Select trajectory from the right panel to display animation in JSmol. Note that it may hangs browser window for few minutes or ever.
replica_1 Download
replica_2 Download
replica_3 Download
replica_4 Download
replica_5 Download
replica_6 Download
replica_7 Download
replica_8 Download
replica_9 Download
replica_10 Download
Selected model: model_1.pdb (most representative model of the best cluster) download the model
Details about clusters
cluster namecluster density average rmsdmax rmsdnumber of elements
cluster_1.pdb ( medoid) 52.7185 2.82633 14.037 149
cluster_2.pdb ( medoid) 35.5703 4.72304 24.3211 168
cluster_3.pdb ( medoid) 19.9315 3.71271 10.7138 74
cluster_4.pdb ( medoid) 13.4308 4.39289 8.40528 59
cluster_5.pdb ( medoid) 12.8724 7.38015 31.0881 95
cluster_6.pdb ( medoid) 12.2632 9.6223 20.6078 118
cluster_7.pdb ( medoid) 11.3694 10.3787 22.2791 118
cluster_8.pdb ( medoid) 10.9965 8.18441 20.6631 90
cluster_9.pdb ( medoid) 10.4336 6.32573 12.6556 66
cluster_10.pdb ( medoid) 9.47746 6.64735 12.9543 63