Project name: Li33 [mutate: LL47P]

Status: done

submitted: 2018-10-11 09:42:32, status changed: 2018-10-11 09:51:00
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode No
Mutated residues LL47P
Energy difference between WT (input) and mutated protein (by FoldX) 7.59066 kcal/mol

CAUTION: Your mutation/s can destabilize the protein structure

Changes in protein stability upon mutation are calculated using the FoldX forcefield. Computational prediction of protein stability is used with the intention of preventing the experimental characterization of proteins bearing mutations that significantly destabilize their structure. Mutations resulting in a predicted reduction in protein stability ≥ 1 kcal/mol are considered disruptive.

Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
1 E H -1.4797
2 V H -0.0942
3 Q H -1.2811
4 L H 0.0000
6 E H -1.0190
7 S H -0.9820
8 G H -0.8879
10 G H 0.4680
11 L H 1.1186
12 V H 0.0000
13 Q H -1.4211
15 G H -1.5124
16 G H -1.2336
17 S H -1.3967
18 L H -1.1218
19 R H -2.1476
20 L H 0.0000
21 S H -0.7775
22 C H 0.0000
23 A H -0.7620
24 A H 0.0000
25 S H -0.5662
26 G H -0.3373
27 F H 0.2746
28 T H 0.5257
29 F H 0.0000
30 S H 0.2008
31 I H 1.7996
34 M H 0.0000
35 F H 0.0000
36 W H 0.0000
38 R H 0.0000
39 Q H -0.9046
40 A H -1.2533
41 P H -1.1959
42 G H -1.4892
43 K H -2.3170
44 G H -1.4799
45 L H -0.9109
46 E H -1.1949
47 W H 0.0000
48 V H 0.0000
49 S H 0.0000
50 W H -0.0045
51 I H 0.0000
52 G H 0.0000
53 P H 0.3595
54 S H -0.0076
55 G H -0.2518
56 G H -0.1114
57 I H 0.6824
58 T H 0.0898
59 K H -0.8092
60 Y H -1.3131
61 A H 0.0000
62 D H -2.6000
63 S H -1.6094
64 V H 0.0000
65 K H -2.7430
66 G H -1.7635
67 R H -1.5892
68 F H 0.0000
69 T H -0.9427
70 I H 0.0000
71 S H -0.3625
72 R H -1.1767
73 D H -1.7668
74 N H -1.5755
75 S H -1.6794
76 K H -2.4226
77 N H -1.7795
78 T H 0.0000
79 L H 0.0000
80 Y H -0.6604
81 L H 0.0000
82 Q H -1.3506
83 M H 0.0000
84 N H -1.5791
85 S H -1.3500
86 L H 0.0000
87 R H -2.8604
88 A H -2.0011
89 E H -2.4419
90 D H 0.0000
91 T H -0.7406
92 A H 0.0000
93 T H 0.1399
94 Y H 0.0000
95 Y H 0.0000
96 C H 0.0000
97 A H 0.0000
98 R H -1.0021
99 E H -1.4690
100 G H 0.0000
101 H H -2.4928
102 N H -2.7555
103 D H -2.8265
104 W H -1.1007
105 Y H 0.0000
106 F H 0.0000
107 D H -1.4888
108 L H -0.6218
109 W H 0.0000
110 G H 0.0000
111 R H -2.3588
112 G H 0.0000
113 T H -0.1929
114 L H 1.0026
115 V H 0.0000
116 T H 0.0324
117 V H 0.0000
118 S H -0.7872
119 S H -0.5465
1 D L -2.5104
2 I L 0.0000
3 Q L -2.2618
4 M L 0.0000
5 T L -1.4307
6 Q L -1.1573
7 S L -1.0716
8 P L -0.4520
9 G L -0.6223
10 T L -0.6070
11 L L -0.4144
12 S L -0.7714
13 L L -1.3037
14 S L -1.7545
15 P L -2.0965
16 G L -1.9659
17 E L -2.9662
18 R L -2.9950
19 A L 0.0000
20 T L -0.5406
21 L L 0.0000
22 S L -1.1119
23 C L 0.0000
24 R L -3.0657
25 A L -2.1974
26 S L -1.9839
27 Q L -2.0601
28 S L -1.4403
29 V L 0.0000
30 S L -0.5897
31 S L -0.2860
32 Y L 0.0365
33 L L 0.0000
34 A L 0.0000
35 W L 0.0000
36 Y L 0.0000
37 Q L 0.0000
38 Q L 0.0000
39 K L -0.9765
40 P L -0.7670
41 G L -1.3375
42 Q L -1.7872
43 A L -1.5100
44 P L 0.0000
45 R L -1.3130
46 L L 0.0000
47 P L 0.0000 mutated: LL47P
48 I L 0.0000
49 Y L -0.7658
50 D L -0.9393
51 A L 0.0000
52 S L -1.1364
53 N L -1.7228
54 R L -1.6338
55 A L 0.0000
56 T L -0.5874
57 G L -0.5533
58 I L -0.4815
59 P L -0.3696
60 A L -0.3993
61 R L -0.8239
62 F L 0.0000
63 S L -0.7033
64 G L -0.7910
65 S L -0.9210
66 G L -1.3557
67 S L -1.2316
68 G L -1.1931
69 T L -2.0532
70 E L -2.9148
71 F L 0.0000
72 T L -0.9020
73 L L 0.0000
74 T L -0.6133
75 I L 0.0000
76 S L -1.6411
77 S L -1.9043
78 L L 0.0000
79 Q L -1.7019
80 S L -1.4677
81 E L -1.7789
82 D L 0.0000
83 F L -0.1770
84 A L 0.0000
85 V L -0.2233
86 Y L 0.0000
87 Y L 0.0000
88 C L 0.0000
89 Q L 0.0000
90 Q L 0.0000
91 Y L 0.0000
92 D L -0.8658
93 K L -1.8235
94 W L -0.7588
95 P L -0.9663
96 L L 0.0000
97 T L -0.9719
98 F L -0.3922
99 G L -0.8606
100 G L -1.0525
101 G L -0.7153
102 T L 0.0000
103 K L -0.7627
104 V L 0.0000
105 E L -1.3027
106 I L -1.4190
107 K L -1.7184


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015