Project name: 5yoy:D

Status: done

submitted: 2019-03-21 14:44:11, status changed: 2019-03-21 14:48:39
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode No
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
1 E D -1.3850
2 I D 0.0000
3 V D 1.1186
4 L D 0.4321
5 T D -0.3697
6 Q D 0.0000
7 S D -0.7099
8 P D -0.3828
9 A D -0.3941
10 T D -0.7282
11 L D -0.3986
12 S D -0.5796
13 L D -0.7288
14 S D -1.1367
15 P D -1.5848
16 G D -2.0091
17 E D -2.7209
18 R D -2.7776
19 A D 0.0000
20 T D -0.5530
21 L D 0.0000
22 S D -0.9068
23 C D 0.0000
24 R D -2.2564
25 A D 0.0000
26 S D -0.8637
27 Q D -1.1465
28 S D -0.5333
29 V D 0.0000
30 Y D 0.8901
31 S D 0.2511
32 Y D 0.7546
33 L D 0.0000
34 A D 0.0000
35 W D 0.0000
36 Y D 0.3098
37 Q D 0.0000
38 Q D -1.0124
39 K D -1.4840
40 P D -0.9075
41 G D -1.0698
42 Q D -1.2835
43 A D -0.7675
44 P D -0.7870
45 R D -0.7642
46 L D 0.1579
47 L D 0.0000
48 I D 0.0000
49 Y D -0.1730
50 D D -0.9614
51 A D 0.0000
52 S D -1.0519
53 N D -1.3911
54 R D -1.3227
55 A D -0.6417
56 T D -0.4702
57 G D -0.4881
58 I D -0.3572
59 P D -0.3289
60 A D -0.3685
61 R D -0.8849
62 F D 0.0000
63 S D -0.6754
64 G D -0.7559
65 S D -0.9464
66 G D -0.9903
67 S D -0.6539
68 G D -0.3657
69 T D -1.3673
70 D D -2.0047
71 F D 0.0000
72 T D -0.8183
73 L D 0.0000
74 T D -0.6601
75 I D 0.0000
76 S D -1.6282
77 S D -1.9699
78 L D 0.0000
79 E D -2.3016
80 P D -1.7064
81 E D -2.3908
82 D D 0.0000
83 F D 0.0000
84 A D 0.0000
85 V D -0.5926
86 Y D 0.0000
87 Y D 0.2410
88 C D 0.0000
89 Q D 0.0000
90 Q D 0.0000
91 R D -0.2561
92 S D -0.1941
93 N D -0.9325
94 W D 0.1808
95 P D 0.0564
96 P D 0.0925
97 F D 1.5444
98 T D 1.3311
99 F D 1.5792
100 G D 0.6703
101 P D 0.0734
102 G D -0.2207
103 T D 0.0000
104 K D -1.2883
105 V D 0.0000
106 D D -0.7071
107 I D -0.1185
108 K D -1.2931


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015