Project name: bmp2

Status: done

submitted: 2018-04-23 08:51:07, status changed: 2018-04-23 08:57:51
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode No
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
9 R A -1.4943
10 L A -0.5649
11 K A -2.1082
12 S A -1.5923
13 S A -1.5868
14 C A 0.0000
15 K A -2.5689
16 R A -1.8399
17 H A -0.9252
18 P A 0.0892
19 L A 1.0118
20 Y A 1.1032
21 V A 0.2258
22 D A -0.9315
23 F A 0.0000
24 S A -1.6580
25 D A -1.7929
26 V A -0.3358
27 G A -1.0803
28 W A -0.5995
29 N A -1.4950
30 D A -1.6419
31 W A -0.5554
32 I A 0.0000
33 V A 1.5119
34 A A 0.7547
35 P A 0.0596
36 P A -0.2626
37 G A -0.3697
38 Y A 0.0945
39 H A -0.0823
40 A A 0.0000
41 F A 0.3291
42 Y A 0.0377
43 C A -0.4991
44 H A -1.3321
45 G A -2.0054
46 E A -2.1710
47 C A 0.0000
48 P A 0.0066
49 F A 1.2951
50 P A 0.4681
51 L A 0.1802
52 A A -0.9918
53 D A -2.4073
54 H A -2.0310
55 L A -1.7072
56 N A -1.9717
57 S A -1.2270
58 T A -1.2068
59 N A -1.5165
60 H A -1.1333
61 A A 0.0000
62 I A 0.4923
63 V A 1.2685
64 Q A 0.3715
65 T A 0.0000
66 L A 1.9411
67 V A 1.5799
68 N A 0.0000
69 S A 0.8267
70 V A 1.5645
71 N A -0.0978
72 S A -0.9681
73 K A -1.7163
74 I A -0.7917
75 P A -1.0817
76 K A -1.1670
77 A A 0.0000
78 C A -0.1670
79 C A -0.5858
80 V A 0.1314
81 P A -0.8637
82 T A -1.1553
83 E A -2.2185
84 L A -1.5245
85 S A -1.1798
86 A A -1.1165
87 I A -0.8058
88 S A -0.4908
89 M A 0.0000
90 L A 1.5472
91 Y A 0.6864
92 L A -0.6543
93 D A -2.3817
94 E A -3.3372
95 N A -3.5253
96 E A -3.3974
97 K A -2.3634
98 V A 0.6930
99 V A 0.9792
100 L A 1.4619
101 K A -0.6320
102 N A -1.6687
103 Y A -1.3596
104 Q A -2.1457
105 D A -2.5116
106 M A -1.1532
107 V A 0.0000
108 V A 0.0000
109 E A -2.0592
110 G A -1.7478
111 C A -1.4186
112 G A 0.0000
113 C A 0.0000
114 R A -1.1847


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015