Project name: 2v3s modified

Status: done

submitted: 2018-12-11 11:47:55, status changed: 2018-12-11 11:53:06
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode No
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
432 G A -1.1777
433 P A -1.3610
434 I A 0.0000
435 S A -1.1583
436 L A 0.0000
437 V A -0.7824
438 L A 0.0000
439 R A -1.0178
440 L A 0.0000
441 R A -2.3481
442 N A -2.5947
443 S A -2.1608
444 K A -3.1817
445 K A -3.3396
446 E A -2.5848
447 L A -1.3518
448 N A -0.8515
449 D A -0.7824
450 I A 0.0000
451 R A -1.5651
452 F A 0.0000
453 E A -2.4235
454 F A 0.0000
455 T A -1.5847
456 P A -1.7003
457 G A -1.6286
458 R A -2.3178
459 D A -1.9715
460 T A -1.6162
461 A A 0.0000
462 E A -2.1373
463 G A -1.8143
464 V A 0.0000
465 S A 0.0000
466 Q A -1.8580
467 E A -1.9523
468 L A 0.0000
469 I A -1.0534
470 S A -0.9661
471 A A -0.6879
472 G A -0.8212
473 L A -0.1874
474 V A 0.0000
475 D A -1.5475
476 G A -1.4685
477 R A -1.7314
478 D A 0.0000
479 L A 0.0732
480 V A 1.4990
481 I A 1.0231
482 V A 0.0000
483 A A -0.2611
484 A A -0.0740
485 N A -0.3814
486 L A 0.0000
487 Q A -2.2126
488 K A -2.3779
489 I A 0.0000
490 V A -2.3837
491 E A -3.4290
492 E A -3.7816
493 P A -2.8124
494 Q A -2.5992
495 S A -2.3293
496 N A -2.4768
497 R A -2.5208
498 S A -1.2988
499 V A 0.0000
500 T A -0.8872
501 F A 0.0000
502 K A -1.0960
503 L A -0.0899
504 A A -0.3962
505 S A -1.0221
506 G A -0.4581
507 V A 0.3070
508 E A -1.2559
509 G A -0.9427
510 S A -0.6380
511 D A -0.2012
512 I A 1.0384
513 P A -0.4407
514 D A -1.8027
515 D A -2.7756
516 G A -2.2881
517 K A -2.5471
518 L A 0.0000
519 I A -1.0339
520 G A -0.6824
521 F A -1.2475
522 A A 0.0000
523 Q A -0.9838
524 L A 0.0000
525 S A -0.8847
526 I A -0.8321
527 S A -0.6881
1003 G D -0.8302
1004 R D -1.5572
1005 F D -0.9386
1006 Q D -0.9682
1007 V D 0.7640


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015