Project name: 61f38b17d92dd22

Status: done

submitted: 2018-12-10 12:30:46, status changed: 2018-12-10 12:38:11
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode No
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
315 A A 0.4545
316 A A 0.8467
317 I A 1.5073
318 M A -0.1751
319 E A -1.7574
320 I A 0.0000
321 K A -1.2469
322 L A 0.0000
323 I A 1.2651
324 K A -0.4926
325 G A -0.7584
326 P A -1.2899
327 K A -1.9771
328 G A -1.3321
329 L A 0.0000
330 G A 0.0000
331 F A 0.0000
332 S A 0.5040
333 I A 0.0000
334 A A 0.0000
335 G A 0.0000
336 G A 0.0000
337 V A -0.6548
338 G A -0.5904
339 N A -1.3571
340 Q A -1.3585
341 H A -0.7495
342 I A 0.2926
343 P A -0.3892
344 G A -0.7463
345 D A -0.8432
346 N A -1.2431
347 S A 0.0000
348 I A 0.0000
349 Y A 0.0696
350 V A 0.0000
351 T A -0.0550
352 K A -1.0479
353 I A -0.8921
354 I A -1.0798
355 E A -2.3257
356 G A -1.9730
357 G A -1.8964
358 A A -1.3778
359 A A 0.0000
360 H A -2.9297
361 K A -3.2758
362 D A -2.9614
363 G A -2.7858
364 K A -3.0418
365 L A 0.0000
366 Q A -1.1212
367 I A 0.7926
368 G A 0.0669
369 D A 0.0000
370 K A -0.4926
371 L A 0.0000
372 L A -0.5347
373 A A -0.2805
374 V A 0.0000
375 N A -0.0508
376 S A 0.2605
377 V A 0.6893
378 C A 0.0515
379 L A 0.0000
380 E A -2.2519
381 E A -2.5404
382 V A -1.7141
383 T A -1.5584
384 H A 0.0000
385 E A -2.6296
386 E A -2.4290
387 A A 0.0000
388 V A -1.3291
389 T A -1.9422
390 A A -1.4083
391 L A 0.0000
392 K A -2.2283
393 N A -2.1367
394 T A -1.3964
395 S A -1.0204
396 D A -0.6279
397 F A 1.3781
398 V A 0.0000
399 Y A 0.2031
400 L A 0.0000
401 K A -1.0050
402 V A 0.0000
403 A A 0.0000
404 K A -0.0567
405 P A -0.4312
406 T A -0.2448
14 N B -2.1017
15 E B -2.3861
16 K B -1.9332
17 V B 0.2657
18 S B 0.3704
19 C B 0.7682
20 V B -0.1039


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015