Project name: Database Accession: DI1000021 chain A good

Status: done

submitted: 2018-05-31 11:13:32, status changed: 2018-05-31 11:19:39
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode No
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
1 M A -1.0873
2 S A -1.9243
3 D A -2.8380
4 Q A -2.8991
5 E A -2.8696
6 A A -2.3541
7 K A -2.8177
8 P A -2.0017
9 S A -1.7598
10 T A -2.0354
11 E A -2.8608
12 D A -2.7057
13 L A -1.5290
14 G A -2.8644
15 D A -3.4470
16 K A -3.5904
17 K A -3.8553
18 E A -3.4713
19 G A -2.9616
20 E A -2.5916
21 Y A -1.8155
22 I A 0.0000
23 K A -2.4688
24 L A 0.0000
25 K A -2.0288
26 V A 0.0000
27 I A -1.0572
28 G A 0.0000
29 Q A -2.2046
30 D A -2.6175
31 S A -1.8234
32 S A -1.6745
33 E A -2.2787
34 I A -1.0507
35 H A -1.7655
36 F A -1.3147
37 K A -1.4293
38 V A -1.3280
39 K A -2.1517
40 M A -2.1172
41 T A -1.6497
42 T A -1.9532
43 H A -2.4928
44 L A 0.0000
45 K A -2.7322
46 K A -2.9738
47 L A 0.0000
48 K A -1.8551
49 E A -2.6760
50 S A -2.1478
51 Y A 0.0000
52 C A 0.0000
53 Q A -2.8595
54 R A -3.0178
55 Q A -2.2088
56 G A -1.7743
57 V A -1.2321
58 P A -1.2614
59 M A -1.6013
60 N A -2.3420
61 S A 0.0000
62 L A 0.0000
63 R A -2.5090
64 F A 0.0000
65 L A 0.0000
66 F A -1.6910
67 E A -2.4711
68 G A -2.1891
69 Q A -2.5674
70 R A -2.7816
71 I A 0.0000
72 A A -1.6814
73 D A -2.4168
74 N A -2.5115
75 H A -2.3838
76 T A 0.0000
77 P A 0.0000
78 K A -3.4410
79 E A -3.1563
80 L A -2.0425
81 G A -1.9222
82 M A 0.0000
83 E A -3.7482
84 E A -3.5114
85 E A -3.3417
86 D A -2.5371
87 V A -1.5797
88 I A 0.0000
89 E A -1.2703
90 V A 0.0000
91 Y A -1.3785
92 Q A -2.7755
93 E A -3.4672
94 Q A -2.9823
95 T A -1.8036
96 G A -1.6762
97 G A -1.0381


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015