Project name: OspC-N23

Status: done

submitted: 2019-09-16 19:02:08, status changed: 2019-09-23 22:48:44
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode Yes
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
1 M A 0.5963
2 K A -0.5830
3 K A -1.2988
4 N A -0.7272
5 T A 0.0000
6 L A 0.2303
7 S A 0.3609
8 A A 0.2395
9 I A 0.4875
10 L A 1.1222
11 M A 1.5601
12 T A 0.5575
13 L A 0.0000
14 F A 0.0000
15 L A 1.4698
16 F A 1.0690
17 I A 2.0252
18 S A 1.7009
19 C A 1.4611
20 N A 0.2834
21 N A -0.4142
22 S A -1.3180
23 G A -1.4731
24 K A -2.3421
25 D A -3.0394
26 G A -2.4650
27 N A -2.8010
28 A A -1.5083
29 S A -1.4992
30 A A -1.2431
31 N A -1.5381
32 S A -0.9522
33 A A 0.0000
34 D A -0.8070
35 E A 0.0000
36 S A 0.3612
37 V A 0.5365
38 K A -0.9467
39 G A -0.8495
40 P A -0.4063
41 N A -0.5319
42 L A 0.2957
43 T A -0.9966
44 E A -2.5520
45 I A 0.0000
46 S A -1.8680
47 K A -3.3984
48 K A -3.3669
49 I A -2.1065
50 T A -1.9471
51 E A -2.8695
52 S A 0.0000
53 N A -1.2974
54 A A -0.9609
55 V A 0.0000
56 V A 0.0000
57 L A 0.3976
58 A A -0.4106
59 V A 0.0000
60 K A 0.0000
61 E A 0.0000
62 V A 0.0000
63 E A 0.0000
64 T A 0.0000
65 L A 0.0000
66 L A 0.0000
67 S A -0.5100
68 S A -0.9578
69 I A 0.0000
70 D A -2.1150
71 E A -2.1973
72 L A -1.1638
73 A A -1.7317
74 K A -2.7171
75 A A -1.5402
76 I A -1.0886
77 G A -1.1225
78 K A -1.7891
79 K A -1.4895
80 I A -0.0103
81 E A -1.6710
82 N A -2.0813
83 N A -1.8336
84 G A -1.1565
85 G A -0.8020
86 L A 0.1626
87 G A -0.6879
88 S A -0.8672
89 D A -1.1455
90 A A -1.2853
91 N A -1.8511
92 H A -1.4511
93 N A 0.0000
94 G A 0.0000
95 S A -0.7971
96 L A 0.0000
97 L A 0.0000
98 A A -0.1330
99 G A 0.0944
100 A A 0.0000
101 Y A 0.1888
102 A A 0.3989
103 I A 0.2744
104 S A 0.0000
105 T A -0.3301
106 L A -0.1409
107 I A 0.0000
108 T A -1.2011
109 E A -1.9389
110 K A -1.3496
111 V A 0.0000
112 L A -1.0752
113 S A -1.7483
114 K A -2.9648
115 L A 0.0000
116 K A -3.7221
117 N A -4.0439
118 S A -3.2226
119 E A -4.1819
120 E A -4.0892
121 L A 0.0000
122 K A -5.0476
123 E A -4.7414
124 K A -3.4704
125 I A 0.0000
126 E A -3.5193
127 K A -3.7780
128 A A 0.0000
129 K A -2.7373
130 K A -2.9644
131 C A -2.0224
132 S A 0.0000
133 E A -2.2687
134 A A -1.7595
135 F A 0.0000
136 T A 0.0000
137 K A -2.6178
138 K A -2.2860
139 L A 0.0000
140 K A -2.0147
141 S A -1.6023
142 S A -1.7519
143 H A -1.5247
144 A A -1.1942
145 Q A -1.6160
146 L A 0.0000
147 G A -0.9631
148 P A -0.6886
149 A A -0.7227
150 A A -0.5658
151 G A -0.7878
152 N A -0.9955
153 A A -1.0239
154 T A -1.5595
155 D A -1.9391
156 D A -2.5194
157 N A -2.4590
158 A A 0.0000
159 K A -2.1570
160 K A -3.0794
161 A A 0.0000
162 I A 0.0000
163 L A 0.0000
164 K A -3.3946
165 T A -2.1392
166 H A -2.5732
167 G A -2.1392
168 D A -3.0146
169 G A -3.0269
170 K A -3.3830
171 D A -3.5786
172 K A -2.6731
173 G A 0.0000
174 A A 0.0000
175 K A -3.0776
176 E A 0.0000
177 L A 0.0000
178 E A -1.6687
179 K A -2.3735
180 L A 0.0000
181 F A -0.0455
182 E A -1.7787
183 A A 0.0000
184 V A 0.0000
185 E A -1.6701
186 S A -1.5020
187 L A 0.0000
188 S A -1.5998
189 K A -2.4493
190 A A 0.0000
191 A A 0.0000
192 K A -2.2625
193 E A -2.7500
194 M A -1.8876
195 L A 0.0000
196 A A -1.8253
197 N A -2.1706
198 S A 0.0000
199 V A 0.0000
200 K A -1.5563
201 E A -0.6355
202 L A 0.0557
203 T A 0.1246
204 S A -0.0733
205 P A 0.1439
206 V A 1.0632
207 V A 1.0862
208 A A -0.3464
209 E A -1.9925
210 S A -2.0384
211 P A -1.8442
212 K A -2.7926
213 K A -2.7251
214 P A -1.8476

Above is the comparison between the input structure and the most aggregation prone model (predicted in the flexibility simulations, download both models in the PDB file format , download table with rmsd values ). The picture presents the most aggregation prone model (in blue) superimposed on the input structure (in red). The plot shows rmsd profile (distances between residues of the superimposed structures).

Dynamic mode uses CABS-flex simulations of protein structure fluctuations. The structure fluctuations may have impact on the size and extent of aggregation "hot-spots" on the protein surface. The dynamic mode uses the following pipeline: (1) based on the input structure, CABS-flex predicts a set of different models reflecting protein dynamics in solution; (2) for each of these models A3D score is calculated; (3) finally, the most aggregation prone model (the model with the highest A3D score, -1.0728 in this case) is selected and presented in A3D results.


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015