Project name: d6c3d8632001898

Status: done

submitted: 2018-01-03 22:56:51, status changed: 2018-01-04 01:18:53
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode Yes
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
1 Q A -0.5488
2 L A 0.6983
3 T A 0.0651
4 P A -0.1808
5 T A -0.6648
6 F A 0.0000
7 Y A -0.7904
8 R A -2.6252
9 E A -2.7910
10 T A -1.6334
11 C A -1.4377
12 P A -1.4714
13 N A -1.7341
14 L A 0.0000
15 F A -0.0065
16 P A 0.2442
17 I A 0.9783
18 V A 0.0000
19 F A 1.3381
20 G A 1.3358
21 V A 1.7101
22 I A 0.0000
23 F A 2.2405
24 D A 0.1438
25 A A 0.1220
26 S A 0.3614
27 F A 1.3388
28 T A -0.4972
29 D A -2.2596
30 P A -1.8815
31 R A -2.8463
32 I A -1.4889
33 G A -1.1596
34 A A -1.1120
35 S A 0.0000
36 L A 0.0000
37 M A 0.0000
38 R A -0.2078
39 L A 0.0000
40 H A 0.0000
41 F A 0.1714
42 H A 0.0000
43 D A 0.0000
44 C A 0.0000
45 F A 0.0000
46 V A -0.0349
47 Q A -0.6683
48 G A 0.0000
49 C A 0.0000
50 D A 0.0000
51 G A 0.2799
52 S A 0.0000
53 V A 0.0000
54 L A -0.3206
55 L A 0.0000
56 N A 0.0000
57 N A -1.7785
58 T A -1.5298
59 D A -1.9901
60 T A -0.8152
61 I A 0.1325
62 E A -1.3882
63 S A 0.0000
64 E A -1.8898
65 Q A -1.5764
66 D A -1.9664
67 A A -1.2001
68 L A 0.0000
69 P A -0.3701
70 N A 0.0000
71 I A 0.5491
72 N A -0.7688
73 S A 0.0000
74 I A 0.0000
75 R A -2.0687
76 G A 0.0000
77 L A 0.0000
78 D A -2.2795
79 V A -1.2389
80 V A 0.0000
81 N A -2.2709
82 D A -2.1329
83 I A 0.0000
84 K A 0.0000
85 T A -1.4826
86 A A -1.0714
87 V A 0.0000
88 E A -1.8470
89 N A -1.7831
90 S A -1.1802
91 C A 0.0000
92 P A -1.1468
93 D A -1.7225
94 T A -1.6206
95 V A 0.0000
96 S A 0.0000
97 C A -0.4053
98 A A 0.0000
99 D A 0.0000
100 I A 0.0000
101 L A 0.0000
102 A A 0.0000
103 I A 0.0000
104 A A 0.0000
105 A A 0.0000
106 E A 0.2799
107 I A 0.0000
108 A A 0.0000
109 S A 0.0000
110 V A 0.7621
111 L A 0.7045
112 G A 0.0000
113 G A -0.6567
114 G A -0.1978
115 P A 0.1272
116 G A 0.4394
117 W A 1.2198
118 P A 0.8213
119 V A 1.0903
120 P A 0.0000
121 L A 0.0000
122 G A 0.0845
123 R A -0.8495
124 R A -0.9071
125 D A -1.1252
126 S A -0.0475
127 L A 1.4154
128 T A 0.3868
129 A A -0.3698
130 N A -0.9237
131 R A -1.3191
132 T A -0.4295
133 L A 0.4006
134 A A 0.0000
135 N A -0.9286
136 Q A -1.0167
137 N A -0.5916
138 L A -0.2422
139 P A -0.4445
140 A A -0.4413
141 P A -0.5491
142 F A -0.2256
143 F A 0.0000
144 N A -0.6820
145 L A 0.0000
146 T A -0.6500
147 Q A -1.0720
148 L A 0.0000
149 K A -0.2791
150 A A -0.0195
151 S A 0.0996
152 F A 0.0000
153 A A 0.1710
154 V A 1.0777
155 Q A -0.5141
156 G A -0.6091
157 L A 0.0000
158 N A -0.4897
159 T A -0.2048
160 L A 0.3723
161 D A 0.0000
162 L A 0.0000
163 V A 0.0000
164 T A 0.0000
165 L A 0.0000
166 S A 0.0000
167 G A 0.0000
168 G A 0.0000
169 H A -0.7629
170 T A 0.0000
171 F A 0.0000
172 G A -1.4707
173 R A -1.3854
174 A A 0.0000
175 R A -2.4748
176 C A 0.0000
177 S A -1.2113
178 T A -0.8430
179 F A -0.6439
180 I A -0.8186
181 N A -1.2114
182 R A -1.0928
183 L A -0.2762
184 Y A -0.2055
185 N A -1.2077
186 F A -0.1598
187 S A -0.4136
188 N A -1.1784
189 T A -0.9181
190 G A -1.3909
191 N A -2.0513
192 P A -1.7921
193 D A -2.0813
194 P A -1.0596
195 T A -0.5061
196 L A -0.0996
197 N A -0.4822
198 T A -0.3989
199 T A -0.3133
200 Y A 0.2771
201 L A 0.0000
202 E A -1.4977
203 V A -0.0166
204 L A 0.0000
205 R A -1.2707
206 A A -0.7528
207 R A -1.0603
208 C A 0.0000
209 P A -1.5170
210 Q A -1.8205
211 N A -1.9462
212 A A -1.1567
213 T A -0.9160
214 G A -1.6033
215 D A -2.0283
216 N A -2.3490
217 L A 0.0000
218 T A -1.3688
219 N A -1.4963
220 L A 0.0000
221 D A 0.0000
222 L A -0.0394
223 S A -0.4582
224 T A -0.9443
225 P A -1.4767
226 D A -2.5980
227 Q A -1.5355
228 F A 0.0000
229 D A -1.1242
230 N A 0.0000
231 R A -1.4829
232 Y A 0.0000
233 Y A 0.0000
234 S A -0.7585
235 N A -0.4514
236 L A 0.0000
237 L A 0.3934
238 Q A -0.4288
239 L A 0.5698
240 N A 0.2222
241 G A 0.0000
242 L A 0.0000
243 L A -0.1339
244 Q A -0.6421
245 S A -0.5372
246 D A 0.0000
247 Q A -0.2968
248 E A -0.7358
249 L A 0.0000
250 F A 0.3426
251 S A -0.3202
252 T A -0.6424
253 P A -0.6544
254 G A -0.8623
255 A A -0.8118
256 D A -1.6199
257 T A 0.0000
258 I A 0.0557
259 P A -0.5234
260 I A -0.1633
261 V A 0.0000
262 N A -0.7747
263 S A -1.0257
264 F A 0.0000
265 S A -1.2634
266 S A -1.5557
267 N A -2.2839
268 Q A -2.2703
269 N A -2.0842
270 T A -1.5635
271 F A 0.0000
272 F A -0.5161
273 S A -0.5936
274 N A -0.6695
275 F A 0.0000
276 R A 0.2355
277 V A 1.1578
278 S A 0.0000
279 M A 0.0000
280 I A 0.6207
281 K A -0.4183
282 M A 0.0000
283 G A 0.0000
284 N A -0.2020
285 I A -0.1484
286 G A -0.0354
287 V A 0.4941
288 L A 0.1408
289 T A -0.6929
290 G A -1.6443
291 D A -2.5251
292 E A -2.5505
293 G A -1.9636
294 E A -3.3500
295 I A 0.0000
296 R A -2.7689
297 L A 0.0000
298 Q A -1.1188
299 C A -0.4747
300 N A -0.7683
301 F A 0.7828
302 V A 0.0000
303 N A -1.3322
304 G A -1.5463

Above is the comparison between the input structure and the most aggregation prone model (predicted in the flexibility simulations, download both models in the PDB file format , download table with rmsd values ). The picture presents the most aggregation prone model (in blue) superimposed on the input structure (in red). The plot shows rmsd profile (distances between residues of the superimposed structures).

Dynamic mode uses CABS-flex simulations of protein structure fluctuations. The structure fluctuations may have impact on the size and extent of aggregation "hot-spots" on the protein surface. The dynamic mode uses the following pipeline: (1) based on the input structure, CABS-flex predicts a set of different models reflecting protein dynamics in solution; (2) for each of these models A3D score is calculated; (3) finally, the most aggregation prone model (the model with the highest A3D score, -0.5127 in this case) is selected and presented in A3D results.


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015