Project name: ashraf_ttr [mutate: CA10R]

Status: done

submitted: 2018-04-16 12:48:46, status changed: 2018-04-17 16:51:52
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
Dynamic mode No
Mutated residues CA10R
Energy difference between WT (input) and mutated protein (by FoldX) -0.0907858 kcal/mol

Changes in protein stability upon mutation are calculated using the FoldX forcefield. Computational prediction of protein stability is used with the intention of preventing the experimental characterization of proteins bearing mutations that significantly destabilize their structure. Mutations resulting in a predicted reduction in protein stability ≥ 1 kcal/mol are considered disruptive.

Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
10 R A -2.8948 mutated: CA10R
11 P A 0.0000
12 L A 0.0000
13 M A -1.0266
14 V A 0.0000
15 K A -0.7904
16 V A 0.0000
17 L A 0.6048
18 D A 0.0000
19 A A 0.4850
20 V A 0.9112
21 R A -1.0519
22 G A -0.6381
23 S A -0.5155
24 P A -0.6573
25 A A 0.0000
26 I A -0.7313
27 N A -1.8136
28 V A 0.0000
29 A A -1.2636
30 V A 0.0000
31 H A -1.0775
32 V A 0.0000
33 F A -0.7757
34 R A -1.2588
35 K A -1.6284
36 A A -1.7891
37 A A -1.6770
38 D A -2.6582
39 D A -2.9228
40 T A -1.9500
41 W A -1.4150
42 E A -2.1208
43 P A -1.1527
44 F A -0.7244
45 A A -0.4883
46 S A -0.8225
47 G A -1.2992
48 K A -2.1122
49 T A 0.0000
50 S A -1.7425
51 E A -2.1332
52 S A -1.2544
53 G A 0.0000
54 E A -1.3411
55 L A 0.0000
56 H A -1.5038
57 G A -1.2262
58 L A 0.0000
59 T A 0.0000
60 T A -2.4089
61 E A -3.7256
62 E A -3.2400
63 E A -2.8111
64 F A 0.0000
65 V A -1.5457
66 E A -2.1758
67 G A -1.0385
68 I A -0.4109
69 Y A 0.0000
70 K A -0.5256
71 V A 0.0000
72 E A -0.7589
73 I A 0.0000
74 D A -1.3141
75 T A 0.0000
76 K A -1.2687
77 S A -1.1553
78 Y A 0.0000
79 W A 0.0000
80 K A -1.2676
81 A A -0.4131
82 L A 0.1934
83 G A -0.3626
84 I A -0.1304
85 S A -0.3992
86 P A -0.3551
87 F A 0.0000
88 H A 0.0000
89 E A -0.5402
90 H A -0.7171
91 A A 0.0000
92 E A 0.0000
93 V A 0.0000
94 V A 0.0000
95 F A 0.0000
96 T A -0.7350
97 A A 0.0000
98 N A 0.0000
99 D A -2.4778
100 S A -1.5926
101 G A -1.5249
102 P A -2.4536
103 R A -2.9807
104 R A -2.9304
105 Y A 0.0000
106 T A -0.3347
107 I A 0.0000
108 A A 0.1397
109 A A 0.0000
110 L A 0.8360
111 L A 0.0000
112 S A 0.5863
113 P A 0.3556
114 Y A 0.9425
115 S A 0.5374
116 Y A 0.0000
117 S A 0.2235
118 T A 0.0000
119 T A 0.5001
120 A A 0.0000
121 V A 1.5400
122 V A 0.1060
123 T A -1.0038
124 N A -2.0617
10 C B -0.2705
11 P B 0.0000
12 L B 0.0000
13 M B 0.0000
14 V B 0.0000
15 K B -0.4815
16 V B 0.0000
17 L B 0.3996
18 D B 0.0000
19 A B 0.4455
20 V B 0.8394
21 R B -1.0922
22 G B -0.7732
23 S B -0.6283
24 P B -0.7458
25 A B 0.0000
26 I B -1.0641
27 N B -2.0881
28 V B 0.0000
29 A B -1.4695
30 V B 0.0000
31 H B -1.1271
32 V B 0.0000
33 F B -0.8525
34 R B -1.4143
35 K B -1.8681
36 A B -1.9186
37 A B -1.7422
38 D B -2.6949
39 D B -3.0329
40 T B -1.9976
41 W B -1.4738
42 E B -2.1724
43 P B -1.1895
44 F B -0.6668
45 A B -0.4622
46 S B -1.0053
47 G B -1.6144
48 K B -2.6820
49 T B 0.0000
50 S B -1.9491
51 E B -2.2449
52 S B -1.2246
53 G B 0.0000
54 E B -1.4885
55 L B 0.0000
56 H B -1.3854
57 G B -0.7179
58 L B -0.3599
59 T B -1.0638
60 T B -1.7360
61 E B -3.0462
62 E B -3.1107
63 E B -2.5430
64 F B 0.0000
65 V B -1.3900
66 E B -2.0829
67 G B -1.0992
68 I B -0.3720
69 Y B 0.0000
70 K B 0.0000
71 V B 0.0000
72 E B -0.7359
73 I B 0.0000
74 D B -1.3563
75 T B 0.0000
76 K B -1.3744
77 S B -1.3115
78 Y B 0.0000
79 W B 0.0000
80 K B -1.7750
81 A B -0.8356
82 L B -0.1072
83 G B -0.5833
84 I B -0.1901
85 S B -0.3882
86 P B -0.4841
87 F B 0.0000
88 H B 0.0000
89 E B -0.5635
90 H B -0.7358
91 A B 0.0000
92 E B 0.0000
93 V B 0.0000
94 V B 0.0000
95 F B 0.0000
96 T B -0.8102
97 A B 0.0000
98 N B 0.0000
99 D B -2.3831
100 S B -1.5189
101 G B -1.4599
102 P B -2.0424
103 R B -1.8041
104 R B -1.4035
105 Y B 0.0000
106 T B 0.0000
107 I B 0.0000
108 A B 0.3546
109 A B 0.0000
110 L B 1.0529
111 L B 0.0000
112 S B 0.6276
113 P B 0.2763
114 Y B 0.8042
115 S B 0.5116
116 Y B 0.0000
117 S B 0.2740
118 T B 0.0000
119 T B 0.6955
120 A B 0.0000
121 V B 1.8755
122 V B 0.6559
123 T B -0.5436
124 N B -1.7327


Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2015