Project name: prot920_static

Status: done

Started: 2025-02-27 22:24:07
input PDB
Selected Chain(s) D
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
FoldX usage Yes
Dynamic mode No
Automated mutations Yes
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Simulation log
[INFO]       Logger:   Verbosity set to: 2 - [INFO]                                                (00:00:00)
[WARNING]    runJob:   Working directory already exists (possibly overwriting previous results -ow 
                       to prevent this behavior)                                                   (00:00:00)
[INFO]       runJob:   Starting aggrescan3d job on: input.pdb with D chain(s) selected             (00:00:00)
[INFO]       runJob:   Creating pdb object from: input.pdb                                         (00:00:00)
[INFO]       FoldX:    Starting FoldX energy minimalization                                        (00:00:00)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on folded.pdb                                          (00:00:41)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Residue number 58 from chain D and a score of 0.831 (phenylalanine)         
                       selected for automated muatation                                            (00:00:42)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Residue number 84 from chain D and a score of 0.830 (isoleucine) selected   
                       for automated muatation                                                     (00:00:42)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Residue number 27 from chain D and a score of 0.607 (leucine) selected for  
                       automated muatation                                                         (00:00:42)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Residue number 75 from chain D and a score of 0.523 (isoleucine) selected   
                       for automated muatation                                                     (00:00:42)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Residue number 87 from chain D and a score of 0.413 (leucine) selected for  
                       automated muatation                                                         (00:00:42)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Residue number 52 from chain D and a score of 0.233 (leucine) selected for  
                       automated muatation                                                         (00:00:42)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 84 from chain D (isoleucine) into glutamic acid     (00:00:42)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 58 from chain D (phenylalanine) into aspartic acid  
                       Mutating residue number 58 from chain D (phenylalanine) into aspartic acid  (00:00:42)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 58 from chain D (phenylalanine) into glutamic acid  
                       Mutating residue number 58 from chain D (phenylalanine) into glutamic acid  (00:00:42)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 58 from chain D (phenylalanine) into arginine       (00:01:13)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 84 from chain D (isoleucine) into lysine            (00:01:15)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 58 from chain D (phenylalanine) into lysine         (00:01:18)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 84 from chain D (isoleucine) into aspartic acid     (00:01:55)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 27 from chain D (leucine) into glutamic acid        (00:02:03)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 27 from chain D (leucine) into aspartic acid        (00:02:07)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 84 from chain D (isoleucine) into arginine          (00:02:25)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 27 from chain D (leucine) into lysine               (00:02:35)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 27 from chain D (leucine) into arginine             (00:02:37)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 75 from chain D (isoleucine) into glutamic acid     (00:03:01)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 75 from chain D (isoleucine) into aspartic acid     (00:03:09)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 87 from chain D (leucine) into glutamic acid        (00:03:10)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 75 from chain D (isoleucine) into lysine            (00:03:33)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 87 from chain D (leucine) into lysine               (00:03:45)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 75 from chain D (isoleucine) into arginine          (00:03:51)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 87 from chain D (leucine) into aspartic acid        (00:04:26)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 52 from chain D (leucine) into glutamic acid        (00:04:27)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 52 from chain D (leucine) into aspartic acid        (00:04:46)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 87 from chain D (leucine) into arginine             (00:04:59)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 52 from chain D (leucine) into lysine               (00:05:15)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 52 from chain D (leucine) into arginine             (00:05:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 58 from chain D (phenylalanine) into      
                       glutamic acid: Energy difference: 1.0544 kcal/mol, Difference in average    
                       score from the base case: -0.2200                                           (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 58 from chain D (phenylalanine) into      
                       lysine: Energy difference: 0.3918 kcal/mol, Difference in average score     
                       from the base case: -0.1970                                                 (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 58 from chain D (phenylalanine) into      
                       aspartic acid: Energy difference: 1.2340 kcal/mol, Difference in average    
                       score from the base case: -0.2181                                           (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 58 from chain D (phenylalanine) into      
                       arginine: Energy difference: -0.0127 kcal/mol, Difference in average score  
                       from the base case: -0.1139                                                 (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 84 from chain D (isoleucine) into         
                       glutamic acid: Energy difference: 0.7479 kcal/mol, Difference in average    
                       score from the base case: -0.2165                                           (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 84 from chain D (isoleucine) into lysine: 
                       Energy difference: -0.0631 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the   
                       base case: -0.2052                                                          (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 84 from chain D (isoleucine) into         
                       aspartic acid: Energy difference: 1.0807 kcal/mol, Difference in average    
                       score from the base case: -0.2119                                           (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 84 from chain D (isoleucine) into         
                       arginine: Energy difference: -0.5488 kcal/mol, Difference in average score  
                       from the base case: -0.2151                                                 (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 27 from chain D (leucine) into glutamic   
                       acid: Energy difference: 0.1488 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from  
                       the base case: -0.1543                                                      (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 27 from chain D (leucine) into lysine:    
                       Energy difference: 0.0174 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the    
                       base case: -0.1527                                                          (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 27 from chain D (leucine) into aspartic   
                       acid: Energy difference: 0.2623 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from  
                       the base case: -0.1497                                                      (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 27 from chain D (leucine) into arginine:  
                       Energy difference: -0.0436 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the   
                       base case: -0.1591                                                          (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 75 from chain D (isoleucine) into         
                       glutamic acid: Energy difference: 0.8148 kcal/mol, Difference in average    
                       score from the base case: -0.2107                                           (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 75 from chain D (isoleucine) into lysine: 
                       Energy difference: 0.4365 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the    
                       base case: -0.1288                                                          (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 75 from chain D (isoleucine) into         
                       aspartic acid: Energy difference: 1.0932 kcal/mol, Difference in average    
                       score from the base case: -0.1454                                           (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 75 from chain D (isoleucine) into         
                       arginine: Energy difference: 0.6626 kcal/mol, Difference in average score   
                       from the base case: -0.1039                                                 (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 87 from chain D (leucine) into glutamic   
                       acid: Energy difference: 0.7051 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from  
                       the base case: -0.1142                                                      (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 87 from chain D (leucine) into lysine:    
                       Energy difference: 0.1872 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the    
                       base case: -0.1264                                                          (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 87 from chain D (leucine) into aspartic   
                       acid: Energy difference: 0.6114 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from  
                       the base case: -0.1146                                                      (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 87 from chain D (leucine) into arginine:  
                       Energy difference: 0.0357 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the    
                       base case: -0.1133                                                          (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 52 from chain D (leucine) into glutamic   
                       acid: Energy difference: 0.6812 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from  
                       the base case: -0.0992                                                      (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 52 from chain D (leucine) into lysine:    
                       Energy difference: -0.0490 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the   
                       base case: -0.0931                                                          (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 52 from chain D (leucine) into aspartic   
                       acid: Energy difference: 0.7425 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from  
                       the base case: -0.0944                                                      (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 52 from chain D (leucine) into arginine:  
                       Energy difference: -0.0478 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the   
                       base case: -0.1541                                                          (00:06:04)
[INFO]       Main:     Simulation completed successfully.                                          (00:06:07)
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
1 S D -0.5682
2 T D -0.6985
3 Y D -1.0388
4 R D -2.2780
5 V D -1.7438
6 R D -2.4001
7 S D -1.3793
8 S D -0.9562
9 G D -1.2023
10 L D -0.5095
11 T D -0.7879
12 C D 0.0000
13 S D -0.7938
14 T D -0.8624
15 C D 0.0000
16 P D -1.2331
17 P D -1.0179
18 G D 0.0000
19 T D -1.1290
20 H D 0.0000
21 K D -1.5792
22 E D -2.3327
23 R D -2.5029
24 D D -1.7474
25 C D -1.1147
26 S D -0.5082
27 L D 0.6074
28 N D -0.9660
29 T D -0.9812
30 E D -1.7587
31 T D -1.0974
32 I D -0.1203
33 C D -0.7013
34 K D -1.7589
35 A D -1.3063
36 C D -1.3104
37 G D -1.9988
38 E D -2.4132
39 G D -1.7681
40 E D -1.6336
41 Y D -0.7973
42 T D 0.0000
43 A D -0.7955
44 H D -1.7256
45 N D -1.9425
46 N D -1.1819
47 S D -1.1988
48 L D -0.3879
49 P D -1.5730
50 K D -1.9505
51 C D 0.0000
52 L D 0.2334
53 A D -0.6551
54 C D -0.9974
55 K D -1.3267
56 S D -0.6647
57 C D 0.0686
58 F D 0.8307
59 N D -0.3922
60 A D -0.0184
61 T D -0.3630
62 E D -0.1329
63 I D 0.0641
64 E D -1.0750
65 T D -0.5472
66 K D -0.8672
67 S D -1.0313
68 C D -1.2116
69 D D -1.2921
70 P D -0.9219
71 T D -0.5974
72 S D -0.3601
73 D D -0.5400
74 T D 0.0000
75 I D 0.5234
76 C D -0.1589
77 A D 0.1892
78 C D -0.5147
79 R D -1.4937
80 E D -2.0645
81 G D -1.4132
82 Y D -0.6863
83 S D -0.3776
84 I D 0.8298
85 N D -0.5075
86 N D -0.7827
87 L D 0.4133
88 G D -0.5278
89 E D -1.0447
90 C D 0.0000
91 N D -1.3319
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Automated mutations analysis

In the automated mutations mode, the server selects aggregation prone resides and each selected residue is mutated to glutamic acid, lysine, aspartic acid and arginine. The table below shows 2 best scored mutants for each mutated residue. Protein variants are ordered according to the mutation effect they had on protein stability (energetic effect) together with the difference in the average per-residue aggregation score between the wild type and the mutant (in the table green values indicate a positive change, grey are neutral, and orange/red mean destabilizing or more aggregation prone mutants).
Summary for all the mutants can be found in this CSV file.

Energetic effect
Score comparison
IR84D -0.5488 -0.2151 View CSV PDB
IK84D -0.0631 -0.2052 View CSV PDB
LR27D -0.0436 -0.1591 View CSV PDB
LR52D -0.0478 -0.1541 View CSV PDB
FR58D -0.0127 -0.1139 View CSV PDB
LK52D -0.049 -0.0931 View CSV PDB
LK27D 0.0174 -0.1527 View CSV PDB
LR87D 0.0357 -0.1133 View CSV PDB
LK87D 0.1872 -0.1264 View CSV PDB
FK58D 0.3918 -0.197 View CSV PDB
IK75D 0.4365 -0.1288 View CSV PDB
IE75D 0.8148 -0.2107 View CSV PDB

Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2018