A PDB file or code is all that's required to run a A3D job.
We strongly recommend against using Internet Explorer with the A3D2 server as it lacks certain features required for the server functionality.
Submit page
The Main page contains the panels that allow for the job to be submitted.
Submit options
In order to submit the job you need to provide the input structure in the input structure panel in the form of either:

  • PDB structure code
  • protein structure file (also in PDB format)
  • optionally a single chain identifier - only this chain will be used in the simulation

Additional options

In the Options panel there are several additional options to be chosen:

  • Project name - the name under which the project will be displayed (and which can be used to find it via the project name search on the top of the page)
  • Email address - provided an email address the server will notify the user when the job has started and ended.
  • Stability calculations - if selected the submitted structure will be energetically minimized before the A3D analysis using the FoldX forcefield.
  • Dynamic mode - In this mode the input structure's dynamics will be simulated using the CABS-flex software and likely conformational fluctuations analysed and scored for aggregation propensity. Note: this option cannot be used alongside enhance protein stability option.
  • Mutate residues - If selected this mode allows the user to select residues and perform point mutations on the wild type which are built using the FoldX forcefield. Selecting this option will prompt a new window. See "How to mutate a residue?" for a tutorial to the next step. Note: this option cannot be used alongside enhance stability option.
  • Distance of aggregation analysis - In the A3D method the intrinsic aggregation propensity of each particular amino acid in the structure is modulated by its specific structural context. Aggregation propensity is calculated for spherical regions centred on every residue Cα carbon. This options allows to change the size of said region allowing for more and less granular approaches.
  • Enhance protein solubility - In this mode the input structure is optimized using FoldX and the most aggregation-prone residues identified according to their A3D score. These residues are individually mutated to solubilizing charged amino acids (arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and lysine), Selecting this option will prompt a new window to open upon submitting where the user can prevent chosen residues from being mutated. See "How does the enhance protein solubility option work?" for a tutorial to the next step. Note: this option cannot be used alongside mutate or dynamic options.
  • Do not show my job in the results page - if the box is ticked the job will not be visible to other A3D 2.0 users.

Upon selecting the mutation option and running the job the user is redirected to a new page that looks like the one below:

In order to to mutate a residue:

  • Select a residue you wish to mutate from the list and click it.
  • A small window will appear where amino acids will be listed. Select the one you wish to mutate the original one to.
  • The residues selected for mutation will appear in the table on the right. If a mistake was made simply hit "Undo"
  • When everything is done click on the Save changes and submit. You will be redirected to the job summary page.

In this mode, A3D exploits the CABS-flex approach for the fast simulations of near-native dynamics of globular proteins. The aggregation properties of the ensemble of protein models are analysed, scored and presented to the user in an interactive way with tools available to compare the CABS-generated models to the input (or mutant) structure. This mode is intended to give the user an insight into the dynamic structural fluctuations that a protein experiences in the solution and their influence on its aggregation propensity, promoting partial exposure of usually buried residues. In this way, mutations leading to destabilized protein variants with increased conformational fluctuations usually have a huge impact on the aggregation propensity of the protein.

In this mode the input structure is optimized using FoldX and the most aggregation-prone residues identified according to their A3D score. These residues are individually mutated to solubilizing charged amino acids (arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and lysine). Users can specify positions to be excluded from the automated mutation (optional). The changes in aggregation propensity and stability are calculated for each potential point mutant and short-listed according to these values, up to a maximum of 12 suggested changes. Only the two most solubilizing mutations for each particular position are included in the short-list, in order to maximize the number of residues that can be potentially engineered (up to 6).
Upon selecting this option and hitting "Run" the user is redirected to a new page:

In order to to run the simulation:
  • Select any residues that you don't want mutated in the process (not required)
  • The residues excluded from the process will appear in the table on the right. If a mistake was made simply hit "Undo"
  • Select the maximum number of residues that will be mutated. Max is 6 and minimum is 1. Note that only aggregation prone residues will be selected in the simulation so the final number might vary from the one selected here.
  • Once options fulfill user's needs, click on the Save changes and submit. You will be redirected to the job summary page.

When a job is successfully submitted the user is redirected to a summary page where all the project details are available. This is also the place where the results are available once the calculations are finished. Depending on the chosen options several tabs will be available.
The "Project details" tab.

This tab contains information about the specified options used to run the job. It also contains some interactive links:
  • Input PDB download link in the Chain sequence(s) row.
  • Download all the data link in the Downloads row - download all the data produced during the simulation as a tar.gz archive. This includes all the dynamic mode models, mutants from automated mutations, etc.
  • Toggle log display - when clicked a simulation log produced by A3D standalone will be displayed.

The "Aggrescan3D plot" tab.

In this tab a single-chain plot breaking down the A3D scores for each residue is shown. There are several options:
  • Mouse over a point to see a detailed description.
  • Select the chain that is displayed in the Show chain dropdown menu.
  • Tick the "Show buried residues" box to also show the residues with A3D score equal to 0; considered buried which have negligible influential to the aggregation propensities.

The "Aggrescan3D score" tab.

In this tab the A3D score breakdown is presented in an interactive table. The table can be restricted to show only residues from a certain chain or within a given index range. Additional options include:
  • Download the table button - download a csv file with A3D scores for each residue
  • "mutate" buttons in the right side of the table - If the user wishes to re-submit the same structure but mutate chosen residues they can do so easily using these buttons. A box will appear with a list of amino acids which can be chosen from. Once all the desired mutations are selected hit the Submit button beneath the table.

The "Structure" tab.

In this tab the user can view the final structure in an interactive way. The residues are colored according to their A3D score, ranging from blue, which implies a soluble residue, to various red shades indicating aggregation prone residues.. Several ways of interacting with the visualization are available:
  • View in 3Dmol button - the default view is the 3Dmol viewer, this button can be used to get back to the original view after switching to the video view.
  • Start animation - the structure will start rotating for a better view
  • Take snapshot input and button - This button allows the user to take a snapshot of the viewed structure. User can specify a snapshot name or have the name automatically assigned based on the project name ("1ywo_e" in this example); a link to directly download the image will be presented The snapshot will remain available in the "Gallery" tab.
  • Label residue input and button - Type in a residue or a list of residues in a format of ResidueID+ChainID i.e. 12A, 13B. Upon hitting the button A label will be placed on the structure as shown on the screenshot.
  • Show labels button - shows the labels of all aggregation prone residues.
  • Delete label(s) button - a list of currently shown labels will appear they can be deleted from the view.
  • Play the video button - plays a short video of the structure replacing the current view.

The "Dynamic mode details" tab.
This tab is only available when dynamic mode was chosen. The first part of this tab is an interactive viewer similar to the one in Structure tab and a table comprising models produced by CABS-flex and their A3D scores as well as the input structure:
The controls of the viewer are the same as explained above. The table offers some additional options:
  • View buttons - click on the button next to the desired model name to switch to its view.
  • CSV buttons - download the score summary for the model in a csv format
  • PDB buttons - download a PDB file for the model with A3D score in the occupancy field.
The second part of this tab contains an interactive plot with A3D score breakdown for all the models, a superposition picture of the input and most aggregation prone model as well as a RMSF plot for the simulation.

The default controls of the plot allow for zooming in and out with the mouse wheel as well as draging the plot while holding the left mouse button. On the bottom of the plot there are square zoom for precisely selecting the zoomed in area and a reset button to revert all the changes. Click on the legend items to hide/show the plots for chosen models.

The "Automated mutations" tab.
This tab is only available when enhance protein solubility option was chosen. The first part of this tab is an interactive viewer similar to the one in Structure tab and a table comprising the mutants created and chosen during the simulation process. The controls are identical to those described in the "Dynamic mode details" tab.

CSV file button starts the download of a CSV file. This contains the energetic effect of mutation, A3D score and a difference in average residue's A3D score, compared to the wild type structure. Suboptimal mutants omitted in the interactive presentation will also be present in the file.
The second part again contains an interactive plot of the mutants and the wild type. The controls are indentical to those described in the "Dynamic mode details" tab.

The "Gallery" tab.

This tab contains all the screenshots taken by the users in this project. Please consider the fact that anyone can delete your screenshots so we strongly encourage to also save them locally. The system can store up to 40 pictures for each project.


Aggrescan3D 2.0 webserver may be operated through RESTful services, using following URIs:

  • https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/submit/1ywo/ submit new job (1ywo pdb entry)
  • https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/submit/userinput/ submit user pdb file (details below)
  • https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/submit/1ywo/chain/A/ submit new job (chain A of 1ywo pdb)


The RESTful service allows for full project customization. A list of available options is presented below. Note: if no value is provided the default value is used.
  • name - project name. Default: randomly generated string (jobid).
  • email - email (info about job will be send to this email). Default: None
  • email - email (info about job will be send to this email). Default: None
  • foldx ("True" or "False") - use FoldX for stability calculations.Default: True.
  • distance ("10" or "5") - distance of aggregation. Default: 10.
  • dynamic ("True" or "False") - use dynamic mode. Default: False
  • hide ("True" or "False") - if True - do not show job on the queue page. Default: True
  • mutate - list of residues to mutate before A3D analysis. This option will Illustrated in the code snippets. Default: None
  • auto_mutation - selected this option to automatically enhance protein stability. Read more. Default: None
    • The auto_mutation options can be submitted with several arguments:
    • True - use the default settings (attempt to mutate 3 residues)
    • "4 3" - Try to mutate 4 residues using 3 CPU cores. Maximum allowed is 6 residues and 3 cores.
    • "4 3 1A 13A 3P" - Same as above except prevent residue 1 from chain A, 13A and 3P from being mutated.
    • Note: auto_mutation cannot be used along with regular mutation or dynamic modes.

Submitting via Python script

A Python script including custom options that could be used to submit a PDB code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
import json
# define which residues to mutate. If the specified residues do not exist within the pdb file
# the server will respond with an error (code 400).

mutation_table = [{'idx': "1", 'chain': 'A', 'oldres': 'I', 'newres': 'W'},
                  {'idx': "2", 'chain': 'A', 'oldres': 'D', 'newres': 'W'}]

# specify additional options
options = {'dynamic': False,
           'distance': 5,
           'email': 'mary@sue.com',
           'name': 'REST_test',
           'hide': False,
           'mutate': mutation_table,
           'foldx': True,
           'auto_mutation': "2 2"}

req = requests.post('https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/submit/1ywo/',
                    headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})

print(req.status_code)  # Print the HTTP code. 200 = OK. 400 = server recognises the problem, 404 = bad.
print(req.text)         # Print the Response - explained below

A Python script including custom options that could be used to submit a custom PDB file:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
import json
# define which residues to mutate. If the specified residues do not exist within the pdb file
# the server will respond with an error (code 400).

mutation_table = [{'idx': "1", 'chain': 'A', 'oldres': 'I', 'newres': 'W'},
                  {'idx': "2", 'chain': 'A', 'oldres': 'D', 'newres': 'W'}]

# specify additional options
options = {'dynamic': False,
           'distance': 5,
           'email': 'mary@sue.com',
           'name': 'REST_test',
           'hide': False,
           'mutate': mutation_table,
           'foldx': True,
           'auto_mutation': "2 2"}
# send the request, note that the test.pdb file has to be in the same directory as this script
req = requests.post('https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/submit/userinput/',
                    files={'inputfile': ("file", open('test.pdb', 'rb')),
                           'json': (None, json.dumps(options), 'application/json')})

print(req.status_code)  # Print the HTTP code. 200 = OK. 400 = server recognises the problem, 404 = bad.
print(req.text)         # Print the Response - explained below

Submiting with other tools

Other tools can be used to submit the job, as long as they are capable of POST'ing requests. Below is an example of using curl available for most unix systems for users who prefer bash scripting:

curl -i -X POST -d '{"email": "mary@sue.com", "dynamic": "True", "name": "some project name"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/submit/1ywo/

Interpreting the server response

The responses might vary depending on the tool used, here we will focus on the Python scripts presented above

  • If the submission is successful the output should look like the one below (except a different jobid will be assigned).
      "jobid": "a0ae2bb71feeaf0",
      "status": "submitted"
  • If for example the options include both dynamic and auto_mutate options the output would look like:
    Auto mutation cannot be selected with dynamic nor mutate
  • Some errors will not be parsed and indicate that the submit script is not correct. the answer then looks like:
    <!doctype html>
    <html lang='en'>

URLs that provide informations about existing jobs

  • https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/job/yourjobid/status/ - Check job status
  • https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/job/yourjobid/structure/ - Get output structure with A3D values in the temperature factor column
  • https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/job/yourjobid/ - Get full information about submitted job (see explained in details below)

Check the job status

The job status can take on 5 values: pending, queue, running, error and done. See the project status in this tutorial for more explanation.

An example Python script to check the job status:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
req = requests.get('https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/job/yourjobid/status/')
    data = req.json()
except ValueError:
    print("The server responded but the jobid was not found")
The likely response is:
{'status': 'done'}

Get the output pdb file

An example Python script that would save the result A3D pdb file to rest_job.pdb if the job is done:

test = requests.get('https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/job/yourjobid/status/')
if 'done' in test.text:
    req = requests.get('https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/job/yourjobid/structure/')
    with open("rest_job.pdb", "w") as f:
    print("Job not yet done")

Full A3D output

To get full information about submitted job, user may create Python script like:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests

req = requests.get('https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/job/somejobidentifier/')

data = req.json()
for k in data.keys():
    print("key: %s: %s" % (k, data[k]))
getting output similar to:
key: status: done
key: mutated_residues: None
key: dynamic_mode: 0
key: automated_mutations: 2 3
key: stability_calculations: 1
key: mutation_energetic_effect: 0.0
key: mutation_mode: 0
key: started: 29 Jan 2019 13:19:05 GMT
key: updated: 29 Jan 2019 13:24:00 GMT
key: project_name: your_job_name
key: aggregation_distance: 10
key: aggrescan3Dscore: {u'max': 1.664,
                        u'sum': -95.41120000000001,
                        u'min': -4.1893,
                        u'avg': -1.424,
                        u'tab': [[[u'5', u'S', u'A', u'-0.3282'], [u'6', u'A', u'A', u'-0.1352'], ... ]}
key: auto_mut: {u'IE28A': [1.0209, -0.6262, -0.0538],
                u'VD4P': [-0.042, -0.6319, -0.0595],
                u'IR28A': [0.8208, -0.6252, -0.0528],

Explaining some of the tabs:

  • The aggrescan3Dscore:
    • max - maximum score for a single residue
    • min - minimum score for a single residue
    • sum - summary score for all residues
    • avg - average score for all residues
    • tab - a list of lists with A3D score for each residue. The list is formatted as follows: [ID, CODE, CHAIN, SCORE]
  • The auto_mut - a dictionary with keys - mutation codes and values - lists formatted as follows: [energetic effect, average score, difference in average score to wild]

Interacting with the full output

Example script interacting with the output is presented below.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests

req = requests.get('https://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/A3D2/RESTful/job/yourjobid/')

data = req.json()   # Get the data as a json
a3d = data['aggrescan3Dscore']  # Select the aggrescan3Dscore for analysis

print("AVG A3D: %s" % (a3d['average_value'])) # print the average value - care the data is all strings at this point
print("MIN A3D: %s" % (a3d['min_value']))

for row in a3d['table'][:6]:
    print(row[0], row[3])
to get output like:
AVG A3D: -1.424
MIN A3D: -4.1893
(u'1', u'-0.3367')
(u'2', u'0.3541')
(u'3', u'1.6640')
(u'4', u'0.8468')
(u'5', u'1.2976')
(u'6', u'0.5633')

Differences between A3D and A3D2 restful

While we did our best to maintain backwards compatibility several performance improvements were made that might require slight modifications to the scripts meant for the previous server.

  • The /status request now returns a json with actual status {'status' : 'done'}
  • The /a3d_min, /a3d_sum etc URL were removed, please use the full output instead.
  • The 'aggrescan3Dscore' in full output was reformatted see the download results tab for more info.
  • New options and and new output were introduced, see the tutorial to find out more.
  • The base URL has changed.

Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2018