Project name: Tau

Status: done

Started: 2024-12-06 15:04:36
input PDB
Selected Chain(s) A
Distance of aggregation 10 Å
FoldX usage Yes
Dynamic mode No
Automated mutations Yes
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Simulation log
[INFO]       Logger:   Verbosity set to: 2 - [INFO]                                                (00:00:00)
[WARNING]    runJob:   Working directory already exists (possibly overwriting previous results -ow 
                       to prevent this behavior)                                                   (00:00:00)
[INFO]       runJob:   Starting aggrescan3d job on: input.pdb with A chain(s) selected             (00:00:00)
[INFO]       runJob:   Creating pdb object from: input.pdb                                         (00:00:00)
[INFO]       FoldX:    Starting FoldX energy minimalization                                        (00:00:00)
[INFO]       Analysis: Starting Aggrescan3D on folded.pdb                                          (00:00:46)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Residue number 309 from chain A and a score of 1.561 (valine) selected for  
                       automated muatation                                                         (00:00:47)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Residue number 306 from chain A and a score of 1.489 (valine) selected for  
                       automated muatation                                                         (00:00:47)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Residue number 278 from chain A and a score of 1.344 (isoleucine) selected  
                       for automated muatation                                                     (00:00:47)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Residue number 310 from chain A and a score of 1.156 (tyrosine) selected    
                       for automated muatation                                                     (00:00:47)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Residue number 277 from chain A and a score of 1.013 (isoleucine) selected  
                       for automated muatation                                                     (00:00:47)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Residue number 284 from chain A and a score of 0.914 (leucine) selected for 
                       automated muatation                                                         (00:00:47)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 309 from chain A (valine) into glutamic acid        (00:00:47)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 309 from chain A (valine) into aspartic acid        (00:00:47)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 306 from chain A (valine) into glutamic acid        (00:00:47)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 309 from chain A (valine) into arginine             (00:01:02)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 306 from chain A (valine) into lysine               (00:01:02)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 309 from chain A (valine) into lysine               (00:01:03)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 306 from chain A (valine) into aspartic acid        (00:01:19)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 278 from chain A (isoleucine) into glutamic acid    (00:01:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 278 from chain A (isoleucine) into aspartic acid    (00:01:22)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 306 from chain A (valine) into arginine             (00:01:33)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 278 from chain A (isoleucine) into arginine         (00:01:41)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 278 from chain A (isoleucine) into lysine           (00:01:43)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 310 from chain A (tyrosine) into glutamic acid      (00:01:51)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 310 from chain A (tyrosine) into aspartic acid      (00:02:06)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 310 from chain A (tyrosine) into lysine             (00:02:07)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 277 from chain A (isoleucine) into glutamic acid    (00:02:08)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 310 from chain A (tyrosine) into arginine           (00:02:21)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 277 from chain A (isoleucine) into aspartic acid    (00:02:24)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 277 from chain A (isoleucine) into lysine           (00:02:25)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 284 from chain A (leucine) into glutamic acid       (00:02:38)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 277 from chain A (isoleucine) into arginine         (00:02:39)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 284 from chain A (leucine) into aspartic acid       (00:02:49)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 284 from chain A (leucine) into lysine              (00:02:57)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Mutating residue number 284 from chain A (leucine) into arginine            (00:03:04)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 309 from chain A (valine) into glutamic   
                       acid: Energy difference: -1.8039 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from 
                       the base case: -0.3093                                                      (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 309 from chain A (valine) into lysine:    
                       Energy difference: -2.6911 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the   
                       base case: -0.3012                                                          (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 309 from chain A (valine) into aspartic   
                       acid: Energy difference: -1.6185 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from 
                       the base case: -0.2797                                                      (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 309 from chain A (valine) into arginine:  
                       Energy difference: -2.6160 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the   
                       base case: -0.2986                                                          (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 306 from chain A (valine) into glutamic   
                       acid: Energy difference: -1.9730 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from 
                       the base case: -0.3351                                                      (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 306 from chain A (valine) into lysine:    
                       Energy difference: -1.4371 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the   
                       base case: -0.3619                                                          (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 306 from chain A (valine) into aspartic   
                       acid: Energy difference: -1.6249 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from 
                       the base case: -0.3427                                                      (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 306 from chain A (valine) into arginine:  
                       Energy difference: -2.1357 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the   
                       base case: -0.3722                                                          (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 278 from chain A (isoleucine) into        
                       glutamic acid: Energy difference: -0.3292 kcal/mol, Difference in average   
                       score from the base case: -0.3442                                           (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 278 from chain A (isoleucine) into        
                       lysine: Energy difference: -0.1252 kcal/mol, Difference in average score    
                       from the base case: -0.3257                                                 (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 278 from chain A (isoleucine) into        
                       aspartic acid: Energy difference: -0.3771 kcal/mol, Difference in average   
                       score from the base case: -0.3418                                           (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 278 from chain A (isoleucine) into        
                       arginine: Energy difference: -0.2180 kcal/mol, Difference in average score  
                       from the base case: -0.3612                                                 (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 310 from chain A (tyrosine) into glutamic 
                       acid: Energy difference: -0.1788 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from 
                       the base case: -0.2361                                                      (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 310 from chain A (tyrosine) into lysine:  
                       Energy difference: 0.5958 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the    
                       base case: -0.2600                                                          (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 310 from chain A (tyrosine) into aspartic 
                       acid: Energy difference: -0.1220 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from 
                       the base case: -0.2078                                                      (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 310 from chain A (tyrosine) into          
                       arginine: Energy difference: 0.5515 kcal/mol, Difference in average score   
                       from the base case: -0.2854                                                 (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 277 from chain A (isoleucine) into        
                       glutamic acid: Energy difference: 0.3573 kcal/mol, Difference in average    
                       score from the base case: -0.3410                                           (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 277 from chain A (isoleucine) into        
                       lysine: Energy difference: -0.0014 kcal/mol, Difference in average score    
                       from the base case: -0.2177                                                 (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 277 from chain A (isoleucine) into        
                       aspartic acid: Energy difference: -0.3544 kcal/mol, Difference in average   
                       score from the base case: -0.2753                                           (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 277 from chain A (isoleucine) into        
                       arginine: Energy difference: -0.0776 kcal/mol, Difference in average score  
                       from the base case: -0.2559                                                 (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 284 from chain A (leucine) into glutamic  
                       acid: Energy difference: 0.5515 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from  
                       the base case: -0.3355                                                      (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 284 from chain A (leucine) into lysine:   
                       Energy difference: -0.3271 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the   
                       base case: -0.3077                                                          (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 284 from chain A (leucine) into aspartic  
                       acid: Energy difference: 0.8865 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from  
                       the base case: -0.3265                                                      (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Auto_mut: Effect of mutation residue number 284 from chain A (leucine) into arginine: 
                       Energy difference: -0.4366 kcal/mol, Difference in average score from the   
                       base case: -0.3341                                                          (00:03:20)
[INFO]       Main:     Simulation completed successfully.                                          (00:03:23)
Show buried residues

Minimal score value
Maximal score value
Average score
Total score value

The table below lists A3D score for protein residues. Residues with A3D score > 0.0000 are marked by yellow rows.

residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score mutation
residue index residue name chain Aggrescan3D score
267 K A -3.0411
268 H A -3.0723
269 Q A -2.2346
270 P A -1.4737
271 G A -1.4517
272 G A -1.4662
273 G A -1.9060
274 K A -1.7663
275 V A 0.0637
276 Q A -0.6537
277 I A 1.0126
278 I A 1.3442
279 N A -0.2044
280 K A -1.2062
281 K A -0.9976
282 L A 0.7115
283 D A -0.0964
284 L A 0.9136
285 S A -0.7251
286 N A -1.0751
287 V A 0.8557
288 Q A -0.1226
289 S A -0.9447
290 K A -1.8412
291 C A -0.3014
292 G A -0.6584
293 S A -0.9326
294 K A -2.5620
295 D A -3.1652
296 N A -2.0427
297 I A -0.6552
298 K A -2.4464
299 H A -0.9877
300 V A 0.0000
301 P A -0.2070
302 G A 0.4538
303 G A -0.2316
304 G A -0.9544
305 S A -0.2671
306 V A 1.4892
307 Q A 0.1338
308 I A 0.7588
309 V A 1.5607
310 Y A 1.1560
311 K A -1.1244
312 P A -0.5852
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Automated mutations analysis

In the automated mutations mode, the server selects aggregation prone resides and each selected residue is mutated to glutamic acid, lysine, aspartic acid and arginine. The table below shows 2 best scored mutants for each mutated residue. Protein variants are ordered according to the mutation effect they had on protein stability (energetic effect) together with the difference in the average per-residue aggregation score between the wild type and the mutant (in the table green values indicate a positive change, grey are neutral, and orange/red mean destabilizing or more aggregation prone mutants).
Summary for all the mutants can be found in this CSV file.

Energetic effect
Score comparison
VR306A -2.1357 -0.3722 View CSV PDB
VK309A -2.6911 -0.3012 View CSV PDB
VR309A -2.616 -0.2986 View CSV PDB
VE306A -1.973 -0.3351 View CSV PDB
LR284A -0.4366 -0.3341 View CSV PDB
ID278A -0.3771 -0.3418 View CSV PDB
IE278A -0.3292 -0.3442 View CSV PDB
LK284A -0.3271 -0.3077 View CSV PDB
ID277A -0.3544 -0.2753 View CSV PDB
YE310A -0.1788 -0.2361 View CSV PDB
IR277A -0.0776 -0.2559 View CSV PDB
YD310A -0.122 -0.2078 View CSV PDB

Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2018