
Server for de novo and consensus-based prediction of protein structure.

CABS-fold uses an efficient simulation procedure for protein structure prediction: in de novo fashion (from amino acid sequence only), guided by user-provided template(s) (consensus modeling) and/or user-provided distance restraints (e.g. from sparse experimental data). The web server output is a coarse grained trajectory of generated conformations, its Jmol representation and predicted models in all-atom resolution (together with accompanying analysis). Typically, the output is generated within 2-12 hours.

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Consensus modeling
De-novo modeling


A 3 14 7.8 10.12
D 55,58,120-160

"A" - add distance constraint (above example: distance range between 3 and 14 residue must be between 7.8 and 10.12). Constraint generated from templates for these residues will be deleted.
"D" - delete distance constaints (above example: remove all constraints between residues 55,58,120-160 and the rest of chain)

- required field
When you publish results using the server, please cite the following papers describing the server and the method:

© Laboratory of Theory of Biopolymers 2013